Banksy - 7/27/21 - No Place Like Home

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Jul 27, 2021, 9:41:18 AM7/27/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)

When: 7/27/21

QIC: Sledge

The PAX: (4) Unfinished Business, Shrubs, Dookie, Sledge (QIC)

AO: Banksy

Total Time: 45 min (4.5 m)


NAKED MOLESKIN (NMS) YHC arrived to the CHS Oval just in time for a MoTown + Poppy (?) sighting who were encouraging Prime as he wrapped up some EC. Pre-workout mumblechatter centered on the absence of Site-Q Fracker and the notable lack of Eagle powers as a result, the performance of Team USA in various Olympic sportsball events. After a number of field trips at Banksy lately, YHC wanted to stay home on the oval, so run we did. Gloom horns were strong offering some propulsion to some and obstacles to others. Shrubs brought the Mary and the PLC. Post-workout mumblechatter consisted of the sprinkler that Dookie ran through before, during and after the workout, Dad-ing, and the future olympic hopes for each of our 2.0s that launches tonight at the All Comers Track Meet. Great morning in the gloom.



2 Laps w/ carioca, butt-kicks, high skips sprinkled in

 THANG 1 - Catch-me-if-you-can

partner up, PAX1 starts running backward, PAX 2 does 10 Wheezy Jeffersons, then sprints to PAX 1, switcheroo

Omaha after 2 laps

THANG 2 - Reverse Ladder 

1600 on track (4 laps)

Recovery lap with 20 merkins at end of Turn 1, Hurdle jumps at end of Turn 2

1200 on track (3 laps)

Recovery lap with 20 merkins at end of Turn 1, Hurdle jumps at end of Turn 2

800 on track (2 laps)

Recovery lap with 20 merkins at end of Turn 1, Hurdle jumps at end of Turn 2

400 on track (1 lap)

Recovery lap with 20 merkins at end of Turn 1, Hurdle jumps at end of Turn 2


Shrubs Core (Dying Cochroaches x10, 10-count hold, Freddy Mercs x10, 10-cound hollow hold)



Sign up to Q

Bridge Ministry AO

Dad-Bod 5k (ask Unfinished Business)



YHC shared some ways that he has been feeling particularly stressed at work and at home the last few weeks/months/years. YHC recognized the benefit of thinking/talking about it in order to help process it. Encouraged the PAX to do the same. Thankful for this group of HIMs.


Blessing and an honor. – Sledge

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