Happy Hills -- How We Talk to Ourselves -- 12-4-21

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Matthew Deegan

Dec 4, 2021, 10:23:35 AM12/4/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)
Backblast! --How We Talk to Ourselves-- 
Date: Saturday, 12/4/2021
AO: #ao_happy_hills
PAX: @Dribbles, @Spiccoli, @Boardwalk, @Q-Sack, @Frostbite, @Padre, @Kitten, @Smokey, @Catapault, @L2, @CheesyPoof
FNGs: 0
Q: @Dookie
Total: 12
Conditions: (NMS) YHC's cranky back cooperated, and Happy Hills Field Day successfully landed a helicopter and reenacted Mel Gibson's last good movie.  After Warm-Ups, Team HH moseyed to the Buford football field.  Two teams in single-file lines raced from end zone to the 50-yard-line, sometimes using coupons, sometimes overhead clapping.  Kitten decided mid-race that he's going to apply to be UVa Football Head Coach and Charlottesville City Manager.  Dribbles, Boardwalk, Frostbite, and L2 found us in the middle of Field Day, and their presence amped up the competitive spirit.  As always, Smokey provided the honest mumblechatter about the ridiculousness of Murder Bunnies.  And if Q-Sack doesn't bring cupcakes for his coming Festivus beatdown, Smokey will never let Q-Sack forget it. 

·     Side Straddle Hops
·     Don Quixotes
·     3rd Graders
·     Imperial Walkers

*Mosey to Buford Middle football field

Thang 1 - Field Day:
*PAX splits up into 2 lines, and does First Nation variations from near cone to far cone
-Round 1)  FIRST NATION BEAR CRAWLS - Each group forms vertical line of planks, PAX member at back of line bear crawls to front -- repeat until group reaches cone on the other side
-Round 2)  JUMP OVERS - Each group forms line of horizontal planks, PAX member at back of line jumps over everyone and planks at front -- repeat until group reaches cone on the other side
-Round 3)  MURDER BUNNY FIRST NATION -- Each group forms line with coupons, PAX member at back of line murder bunnies to the front; other PAX overhead clap -- repeat until group reaches cone on the other side
-Round 4)  Each group forms line with 1 coupon at front, PAX member at back of line runs to front and takes coupon; -- repeat until group reaches cone on the other side

Thang 2 - William Wallace:
*Each member of the 4 groups runs to center and does 10 merkins while other members stay in corner and do exercise.  Rotate clockwise when all members are done.
-CORNER 1) Pickle Pounders
-CORNER 3) Mountain Climbers
-CORNER 4) Squat Jumps

Thang 3 - "7s"
-Merkins and LBCs on the basketball court.  Run from baseline to baseline.

- Circle of Fire - Merkins
- Freddie Mercuries
- American Hammers

·      Special Saturday Dec. 11 - CSAUP Murph @ Darden Towe Park -or- convergence at Happy Hills
·      Annual Q-Sack Festivus Beatdown - Dec. 18 @ Happy Hills
·      Sunday, Dec. 19 -- F3 Celebration at the Bridge Ministry Campus in Buckingham; Ms and 2.0s invited.  Food, fellowship, and an opportunity to further connect with our friends at the Bridge.

Do you ever wake up after a night of restless sleep and say to yourself: ‘This day is going to suck’?  Maybe your 2-year-old woke you up twice in the middle of the night, or maybe your thoughts about the news or about work or about family issues went into such a negative spiral that you had trouble falling into a deep sleep?  

I found myself doing that a couple days in a row recently.  Maybe you can relate.  Once you have that negative self-talk, it can be hard to work yourself out of it.  What helped snap me out of my funk was a quote from a daily reflection email I get.  I share it now hoping that it might help you at some point, too.

The quote is:

“The most important conversation you have each day is with yourself.  It regulates self-esteem and establishes your very sense of self.  Harnessing this conversation to help you become the best version of yourself is critical.  If we do not speak to ourselves in ways that are life-giving, we will not be able to receive the love, encouragement, and acceptance that other people extend to us.”

December can be a hectic month, with so many demands on our time pulling us in different directions – holiday parties and gift shopping and family get-togethers.  We seem to want to condense 3 months of socialization into 3 weeks.  So it’s especially important to check in on ourselves.  I encourage you to find moments in the day when you can ask yourself: How are things going?  What is special about F3 is that we get to hear other guys express out loud in this Circle of Trust moment how they choose to center themselves.  And I know that for me, these moments motivate me to check in on myself more often throughout the week.  So let’s work to find that time for ourselves so that we can be better for those around us in our lives.

Thankful for the chance to lead,
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