10/6/21 - Puddn'head's wedding album

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Oct 7, 2021, 3:20:28 PM10/7/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)

Backblast! Is that Puddn'head's wedding album?

DATE: 10/06/21 0530 hrs 

AO: #ao_mr_t

PAX: @Shrubs, @Cheesy Poof, @Spicoli, @Mo Town, @Dundee, @Prime, @JazzHands, @Q-Sack, @Unfinished Business, @Sledge, @Boss, @Catfish

FNG: 0

Q: @Sledge

Total: 12

Conditions: (NMS)

Soggy conditions from the night before had YHC wondering if anybody would show to his first #ao_mr_t Q, especially since YHC signed up to Q only after getting called out by the Nantan himself. YHC's nerves were also a little heightened - new(ish) AO for YHC, anticipated judgement from @Cheesy Poof, and then there's @Mo Town. If @Mo Town doesn't make you nervous then you don't know @Mo Town. Mans was givin YHC grief for trying to be prepared with a stash of coupons. Hard ass.

YHC a little early arrived to see @Cheesy Poof getting some stretching in. @JazzHands rolled in soon after from his usual EC run. Then the cars just kept coming. First @shrubs, then @Prime and @Q-Sack, followed by @Dundee??, @Spicoli??? (I thought he was just a virtual avatar, not a real person), and @Unfinished Business???? @Boss even rolled up on two wheels followed by @Catfish on two legs (after burning up 8 miles, give or take). The dye was cast for one helluva beatdown.

After a brief warmorama, YHC led the PAX to the bottom of the hill and called crawl bears. The Pax made it just a few strides before all began the slip and slide back to the bottom. Some continued, others gave up until YHC called Omaha and we moseyed to the overhang/picnic tables at the top where the PAX got after a couple rounds of BALLS WALL SIT SPRINT. 

YHC then took the PAX to @Mo Town's trunk (you should be sorry you weren't there @Pudd'nhead). After that, we all grabbed coupons from @Mo Town's hatchback and YHC pulled out his speaker. Little did the PAX know but YHC had located a sinister playlist from the depths of Hades: PH's wedding album. For 24 glorious minutes the PAX pushed, pressed, crushed and curled some CMUs to the tunes that PH and his M danced to on their wedding day. Stupendous. 

By the end, the PAX were spent but we had a little left in the tank for some Mary. Oh, and YHC can't fail to mention the bizarre tickle-fest that @Unfinished Business instituted during the Mystery Box portion of the CMU fun. He later claimed it was some type of Czech style workout but I think we all know he just wanted to tickle @Q-Sack's underarms.

Here's how it went down.


Imperial walkers

Crawl Bears up the hill

Thang 1
Break into groups of 3 with first PAX remaining at the shelter one heading to the wall next to Shenandoah Joe. First man takes position doing BTTW while third pax runs to the wall-sitter and replaces him. Group rotates from BALLS WALL SIT till Q called time. PAX moseyed back to @Mo Town's trunk. 

Thang 2
Set 1 (Core) = WW2s w/ Coupon, Dying Cockroaches, Pickle pounders, LBCs, Hammers (w/ coupons), Sprint
Set 2 (Arms) = Derkins, Curls, Shoulder Press, Tricep Dips, Rows, Sprint; 
Set 3 (Legs) = Goblet Squat, Monkey Humpers, Coupon swings, Coupon lunges, Goblet Squat, Sprint
Set 4 (Mystery Box) = Penguin Crunches (@Cheesy Poof's pansy choice), Low slow flutters (@Dundee), LBCs? (@Boss), Whatever @Unfinished Business tried to conjure up.

Homer to Marge
Captain Thors 

-Sign up to go to The Bridge - @Cheesy Poof is leading this Saturday
-The virtual AO is still going strong - check it out if you are on the road or not. @Spicoli says there is a 90yo PAX member who crushes it on zoom.

YHC is currently hosting two law school friends who are in town visiting (they have a 3mo baby otherwise there would have been at least 1 FNG). Their visit made me think more about and value long-term friendships. F3 was critical for YHC in the last year in terms of getting re-connected (and no longer being a Sad Clown) after moving back to town. But YHC expects most of the PAX members have close friends they've had since childhood, high school, college or thereabouts. Those long term relationships are special and deserve attention, especially when they aren't in your same town. YHC encouraged the PAX to follow up with a close friend, check in, do the work to maintain that relationship because they are often a rare find. 

Honored and Blessed to Lead,

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