Shake N Bake -- Humor Helps -- 10-21-21

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Matthew Deegan

Oct 22, 2021, 5:08:46 PM10/22/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)
Backblast! --Humor Helps-- 
Date: Thursday, 10/21/2021
AO: #ao_shake-n-bake
PAX: @Omar, @Cheesy Poof, @Sledge, @Vergil, @Astro, @Smuggler, @CropTop, @Dyfus, @Grappler, @Sledge
FNGs: 0
Q: @Dookie
Total: 11
Conditions: (NMS) The moon was full and the air was crisp at kick-off for some early morning running.  F3 OTB runners kept weaving in and out of the workout: Q-Sack appeared on the track from the bushes, and Ahab and Cotter were zooming around the track in clouds of smoke.  
During the warm-up, Virgil and Dyfus shared an intimate moment during Side-Straddle Hops, giving new meaning to the "straddle" part of the phrase.
Lots of laughs were shared during PLC, much needed for YHC.    

·     Side Straddle Hops
·     3rd Graders
·     Imperial Walkers

*Warm-up run around perimeter of CHS

Thang 1:
Partner Run -- Catch Me If You Can -- 4 laps
Partner #1 does 15 merkins, while Partner #2 runs  backward on track.  P1 must catch P2 by sprinting to him; switch roles.

Thang 2:
-- Ladder Run, with 5 merkins and 10 LBCs after each rung

·     Low Flutters
·     Wheezy Jeffersons
·     Captain Thors

·      Sign up to take part in the Bridge Campus workout on Saturdays in Buckingham.
·      Sign up to Q.

Q took us out in a reflection about how humor can be an important part of effective leadership, and it can elevate the mood in the workplace.
At my workplace, morale is low, and I find that during these moments, it’s important to find people who bring you positive energy.  Also, I find that effective leaders in these moments use humor to bolster mood and add levity.  Sometimes humor soothes frustrated people more than any high-brow leadership philosophy ever could.  Telling a joke and listening to one gives us permission to be childlike, and we could all probably benefit from being more playful.  I’m not a naturally funny person, but I think that just the attempt at humor can shake someone out of the doldrums.  So in the spirit of using humor, here’s a joke I found by someone who I consider the master at the art of comedy, Jerry Seinfeld:

People are so confused about relationships these days. You can tell just by the greeting cards. They have a whole section of greeting cards now with no writing inside. It's like Hallmark is saying, "Hey, we don't know what to tell her. You think of something, pal. For 65¢ I don't want to get involved."

Thankful for the chance to lead,
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