10/4/21 - Virtual Mall Rats - We all get a beatdown!

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Oct 5, 2021, 3:42:38 PM10/5/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)

When: Mon 4 October 2021 at 0530

AO: #ao_virtual_workouts

PAX (3): Backdraft, @Pedals, @Scales, and ShamWow


Q: @Scales

Total: 4

Conditions: YHC had the Q all planned for Friday, but it wasn’t needed. Having to Q today, I figured I would just break out what I had ready. But I wasn’t feeling it, instead I opted for a different Q of mine. It did not disappoint. Weather was dry and coolish, primed for a beatdown in the Zloom


  • Side straddle hops x 15, IC 4 ct 

  • Don Quixote’s x 15, IC 4 ct

  • Sun gods x10 each direction

  • Imperial Walkers x15, IC 4 ct

  • Homer to Marge x15, IC 4 ct

The Thang:

EOD - Equal Opportunity Dora

Similar to a regular Dora, but this variation gives everyone the same amount of reps and an equitable beatdown. The timekeeper is the reps, partners do cardio until the set is done. 

  • 50 Burpees - 2 sets of 10, 1 set of 5 (Freddy Mercs)

  • 100 Merkins - sets of 25 (side straddle hops)

  • 150 Overhead Press - sets of 25 (Mountain Climbers)

  • 200 LBC - sets of 50 (Smurf Jacks)

  • 250 Block Curls - sets of 50 (Plank Jacks)

  • 300 squats w/ coupon - sets of 50 (Farmers Walk)


  • 10 - 4 ct Flocking Seagulls

  • 10 - 2ct lunges

  • 10 - 4 ct Windshield Wipers

  • 10 - 4 ct reverse crunches - pointed toes

  • 10 - 4 ct Mountain Man Poopers


  • Pickle Pounders x15 IC, 4ct

  • J-Lo x15 IC, 4ct

  • Freddy Mercs x15 IC, 4ct

  • Weezy Jeffersons x15 IC

  • American Hammers x30 IC, 4ct


  • Support the The Bridge, aka F3 Buckingham, coordinated on the Slack channel #ao_the_bridge 

  • Scales will be out of town the week of 10/10 and 10/18. Please volunteer to take a Q to keep the Zloom going strong. - Shamwow has volunteered for 10/11’s Q



Q led in a closing prayer.

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