Birthdays and football.

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Oct 26, 2021, 10:22:48 AM10/26/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)

Backblast! Birthdays and Football

DATE: 10/22/21 0600 hrs 

AO: #ao_gotham_city

PAX: @Roadie, @Dookie, @Unfinished Business, @Pudd'nhead, @Fracker, @Sledge, @Shrubs, @Swanson, @Slider, @Snipped, @Crampon, @Fire, @Easement, @Huey, @Drumstick (FNG!), @Sunshine

FNG: 1 (@Drumstick)

Q: @Sledge

Total: 16

Conditions: (NMS)

After putting up the bat signal and promising PLBD (with no takers on guessing what that might stand for - it was birthday donuts), there were only two HCs and an SC for a possible FNG. As a result, YHC was a little concerned that the finest AO in this fair metropolis might slow down a bit and the recent freight train of PAX members and FNGs might take a dip this week. But per usual, #ao_gotham_city does not and would not disappoint. 15 solid HIMs returned to the bat cave along with 1 FNG in tow for a pigskin-themed beatdown. 

Given the home town Hoos recent run, and YHC's excited anticipation for Saturday night under the lights, YHC wanted to spend some time on the gridiron, which induced some groans from a few particular PAX more intent on keeping their feet dry. Lucky for them, the field had a recent trim which cut down on the foot dampness. Before we took the field, we warmed up with a Chumbaburpee cycle, then YHC took the PAX to the near endzone for 1st and 10, followed by Conveyor belts that allowed a few PAX members to relive their glory days. YHC's instructions on the Catch us if you can caused only a few hiccups and luckily there was enough time for a round of Balls, Wall, Sit, Sprint at the graffiti wall before Mary on the "activity pad." 

FNG Torrey Ball regaled the PAX with a story from his childhood wherein he was apparently spanked by a chicken when he and his brother attempted to ruffle some feathers in the chicken coop. The best the PAX could come up with on the spot was "Drumstick" for our new brother in the gloom. Some PAX were disappointed when they realized alternative choices such as "chicken spank" or "Spanks" were overlooked. No Regerts. 

The PAX then indulged in PLC and some PLBD and mumblechatter included birthday plans and football. GO HOOS.


Chumbaburpee (check the Exicon)

Thang 1
100 yard field marked at 10 yard increments. Perform 10 Merkins, 1 4-count pickle pounder (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Pickle pounders, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed. Plank/core exercise until remaining PAX complete.

Thang 2
Conveyor Belt
Columns of 5-6 PAX deep, standing at "stations" positioned every 10 yards, perform appointed exercise (monkey humpers, Iron Mikes, Copperhead Squats, mountain climbers, )BearCrawl forward to next station. Man at the front (timekeeper) grabs the football at the goal line, runs to the opposite endzone and back to score a touchdown before replacing the man at the back of the conveyor belt. 

Thang 3
Catch Us If You CanThree partners. Partner A partner carries Partner B. Partner C performs 10 Diamond Merkins, and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C then partner carries Partner A. Partner B performs 10 Diamond Merkins, and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner B then partner carries Partner C. Partner A performs 10 Diamond Merkins and then sprints to catch the pair. Repeato.

Thang 4
Balls, Wall, Sit, Spring
Triple check with PAX 1 doing Balls to the wall, PAX 2, doing wall sit, and PAX 3 running a loop around the parking lot. Rotate, rinse and repeat. 

Blister Core x2 (V-Ups, Suitcase crunches, hollow rockers, hollow hold x10)

- Sign up to go to The Bridge - @Cheesy Poof is leading this Saturday
- @Fire encouraged the PAX to show up and show out for the Hoos on Saturday night. Unfortunately only a few PAX members listened. 

Today is my last day as a 33 year old. If I'm lucky, I might live to be 100. That means a third of my life is over. I often get blinders on by the busy-ness of my day. I forget that time is precious, and specifically, time with my kids. My oldest son turns 6 on Tuesday, 10/26. My son will no longer be his 5-year-old self and each day he is growing into someone new and different. Birthdays often provide opportunity to reflect and YHC encouraged the PAX to reflect on where time is spent. YHC appreciates every opportunity to be in the gloom with the PAX - that is definitely time well spent - and capitalize on the moments with your M or 2.0's as time is precious.  


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