Smoke Show 11-05-21 Give It Away

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Michael Farabaugh

Nov 5, 2021, 9:32:27 AM11/5/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)

Backblast! Give it Away

Date: Friday, 11/05/21

AO: #ao_smoke_show

PAX: Q-Sac(k), Snowbird, Crop Top, Heisenberg

FNGs: 0

Q: Heisenberg

Total: 4

Conditions: YHC dressed warmly for his EC Run and took off down Riverdale Drive around 0450. The plan was to do three laps including Hazel Hill and then return to the AO for cool down/recovery. As YHC was jogging back to the parking lot, Cheesy Poof pulled in and proceeded to enjoy the warmth of his truck for a few minutes. Q-Sac(k), Snowbird, and Woody arrived shortly after. Woody stated that his nipples were fully erect in the cold morning air. Conversation about soreness prompted Q-Sac(k) to advocate for wearing “frictionless underwear,” to minimize soreness in the nether region. Cheesy expressed his disapproval, noting that he preferred as much friction and rubbing in that area as possible. This resulted in the name “Dick Blisters” being placed on the list of possible FNG names for the future. The Code Red Heads included Cheesy, Woody, Homegrown, and Boss, who came in hot and ran past the foursome during their warmup exercises. YHC’s plan was to start off with a short string of pearls. Note to self: Crop Top is not a fan of Hazel Hill. Then we got in some coupon work before moving on to Mary. Heart rates seemed to be elevated and muscles were strained, so YHC thought it was an adequate beat down. Perhaps an A minus...or a B plus. Still room for improvement. The PLC conversation included comments about the fragility of life and showing appreciation for loved ones, Crop Top’s story of a customer’s cancelled wedding, and Woody’s story involving a frat house and shit on a door handle. Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up.

Warm-Up: SSHs, DQs, sun gods, burpees, merkins, sit-ups, squats

The Thang:

Part 1: String of pearls. Total distance = 1.25 miles

Stop every 0.25 mile for a set of 10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 sit-ups and 10 squats

Part 2: Grab a coupon

20 overhead presses…murder bunnies for travel…20 curls…Lloyd Dobbler for travel…repeat 2X

20 KB swings… murder bunnies for travel…20 goblet squats… Lloyd Dobbler for travel…repeat 2X

Mary: Suitcase Crunches, Low Slow Flutters, Wheezy Jeffersons, Penguin Crunches, Supermans, J-Los, Pickle Pounders, LBCs, 10 burpees (as a response to the excessive mumblechatter and certain PAX ignoring the Q), American Hammers


· Kitten and Smokey are taking over Site Q responsibilities at Happy Hills.

· Support the Bridge PAX by posting at either The Bridge Ministry AO at Buckingham or at Happy Hills.

· F3 Picnic this Sunday at 12:30 PM at McIntire Park. Fill out the Google Form at this link.

COT: If you read Cheesy Poof’s recent email, you know that he talked about a message of “give it away.” The “it” can refer to F3 and all that F3 represents. Here’s another take on what “give it away” can mean for each of us. The “it” can refer to our talents and gifts. Take a few moments right now to reflect on your best qualities. Resist the temptation to think, “I don’t have any special gifts.” Each of us can find at least one thing that we do well or that we really enjoy doing. We are called to share our gifts with the community. I encourage each of us to think about specific ways that we can “give it away” in order to make a positive impact on others. Discover your gift. Appreciate your gift. Develop your gift. Then give it away.

An honor to lead,


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