Gotham City -- The Christening of Bear Bridge -- 12-10-21

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Matthew Deegan

Dec 10, 2021, 9:42:35 PM12/10/21
to Backblasts (F3 Cville)
Backblast! --The Christening of Bear Bridge-- 
Date: Friday, 12/10/2021
AO: #ao_gotham_city
PAX: @Pantops, @Huey, @Shrubs, @Sledge, @Easement, @Fracker, @Roadie, @Crampon, @Sockeye, @Spiccoli, @Bieber, @Prime
FNGs: 0
Q: @Dookie
Total: 13
Conditions: (NMS) The wheels of YHC's Toyota Corolla screeched into a space in the CHS parking lot, two minutes after 6 after stashing coupons in a top-secret location for the coming beatdown and misjudging time.  The PAX knew what to do, however: the customary warm-up lap around the track.
What ensued was an arms-heavy, coupon-carrying extravaganza, mostly to rest Shrubs' arms for his Murph-athon.  The most important piece of the workout was the christening of Bear Bridge.  The PAX split into 2 lines and bear crawled across the tennis court bridge and up the hill to the wooded pavilion.  It was tight quarters, like 45 Rockefeller Plaza during Christmas time, but the PAX found a way, as they always do.  A 3-round dance with picnic tables and a Partner Dora with coupons and Melbourne Mountain rounded out the Friday beatdown.  Bieber supplied the PLC on this Friday, and Secret Santa names were doled out.  What funky gifts await the PAX next Friday?

·     Side Straddle Hops
·     Plank Jacks
·     Tiny Soldiers
·     Mountain Climbers
·     Merkins

*Mosey to foot of bridge near tennis courts

Thang 1 - Bear Bridge:
*PAX splits up into 2 lines, and does First Nation Bear Crawl across bridge and up hill to pavilion

Thang 2 - The Picnic Table Dance:
*3 rounds of 10 reps of each:
1) Step-Ups
2) Dips
3) Derkins

*Partners assigned.  Mosey with coupons to Melbourne Mountain.  Partners take turns carrying.

Thang 3 - Partner Dora up Melbourne Mountain
100 overhead presses -- 200 curls -- 300 goblet squats

- Freddie Mercuries
- Captain Thors

·      Special Saturday Dec. 11 - CSAUP Murph @ Darden Towe Park -or- convergence at Happy Hills
·      Annual Q-Sack Festivus Beatdown - Dec. 18 @ Happy Hills
·      Sunday, Dec. 19 -- F3 Celebration at the Bridge Ministry Campus in Buckingham; Ms and 2.0s invited.  Food, fellowship, and an opportunity to further connect with our friends at the Bridge.

YHC asked the PAX to focus on a concept he's been thinking a lot about recently: forgiveness.  He asked the PAX to reflect on these 2 questions and then paused to allow them to reflect:
  • Who do you need to forgive right now? (family member, friend, co-worker)
  • How can you get to a place of forgiveness with this person?
Then, I shared about the struggles I've had this year to build a positive relationship with a student in one of my classes.  

It's hard to get to a place of forgiveness with someone who may never extend an apology in return, even if you think they should.  But forgiving that person anyway can help prevent bitterness or resentment from building up in you.  Let's work to actively forgive.

Thankful for the chance to lead,

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