Any Upcoming Events?

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Grace Robbins

Jun 26, 2024, 12:09:06 PMJun 26
to Bachelors Grove Cemetery
Hi there!

I'm Grace, founder of Coimetromania LLC, a Chicago-based cemetery education and events platform.

As part of Coimetromania's mission to elevate cemetery events and culture, I am rounding up any and all cemetery events in the Chicago area in order to provide free and accessible promotion for such events beginning in the month of July.

I would love to be able to include your cemetery's events in this lineup. If there are any events at the cemetery I can include in our round-up please let me know!

Thank you and look forward to hearing back!

Preston Smoot

Oct 3, 2024, 11:46:03 AM (11 days ago) Oct 3
to Bachelors Grove Cemetery
would love to get in on this please keep me posted!
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