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Caltrain JPB Awards Car Contract

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Kevin Standlee

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

The Caltrain Joint Powers Board at their regular monthly meeting today
awarded the contract for 19 new Push-Pull Gallery Rail Cars (6 cab cars,
13 trailers) to Sumitomo Corporation of America, subject to the
anticipated approval of the California Transportation Commission later
this month. Sumitomo was the only bidder on the project, the total cost
of which is approximately $35.2 million.

That the JPB awarded the contract is not surprising. What I do find
surprising was that the vote to do so was not unanimous. The JPB
apparently just now woke up to discover that staff put out a bid for a
slightly updated and ADA-compliant version of the existing gallery cars,
instead of looking to improve the fleet with something like the
Bombardier-built "lozenge" cars such as are used on LA's Metrolink, the
new Altamont Commuter Express, and other new-start systems in North
America. The JPB debated the merits of the issue, and there was a lot
of public comment (most of it in favor of the lozenge cars), but in the
end it appears that the majority of the JPB felt that we couldn't deal
with another two years (minimum) delay to start the whole process over

Rick Hills (San Francisco), Trixie Johnson, and new JPB member James
Lawson (both from Santa Clara) voted no on awarding the contract, with
the other members voting yes; the resolution thus passed 6-3.

Personally, I'm torn on this issue. The Caltrain gallery cars are
awful, and we really need to investigate ways of completely re-equipping
the fleet with something that rides better and serves the passengers
better. Nonetheless, the issues of maintenance and compatibility are
real ones, even if (as I think) they were overstated in this case.
Furthermore, there is a real need for more equipment, and adding two
more years' delay to the process would be most regrettable.

I was impressed to see members of the JPB willing to vote against ANY
staff recomendation, inasmuch as most of the time they seem to
rubber-stamp anything coming out of the Staff Coordinating Council. I
only wish that they had taken some action a couple of years ago, when it
would have been much easier to change the direction of the car
procurement process.

Kevin Standlee | Fast / Accurate / Cheap
<> | Pick Any Two


Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

Kevin Standlee sez:

>The Caltrain Joint Powers Board at their regular monthly meeting today
>awarded the contract for 19 new Push-Pull Gallery Rail Cars (6 cab cars,
>13 trailers) to Sumitomo Corporation of America, subject to the
>anticipated approval of the California Transportation Commission later
>this month. Sumitomo was the only bidder on the project, the total cost
>of which is approximately $35.2 million.

IMHO, they took the easy way out. Should have taken a closer look at those

>That the JPB awarded the contract is not surprising. What I do find
>surprising was that the vote to do so was not unanimous. The JPB
>apparently just now woke up to discover that staff put out a bid for a
>slightly updated and ADA-compliant version of the existing gallery cars,
>instead of looking to improve the fleet with something like the
>Bombardier-built "lozenge" cars such as are used on LA's Metrolink, the
>new Altamont Commuter Express, and other new-start systems in North
>America. The JPB debated the merits of the issue, and there was a lot
>of public comment (most of it in favor of the lozenge cars), but in the
>end it appears that the majority of the JPB felt that we couldn't deal
>with another two years (minimum) delay to start the whole process over

At the meeting, I (and someone else) suggested piggybacking onto an order from
another carrier.

>Rick Hills (San Francisco), Trixie Johnson, and new JPB member James
>Lawson (both from Santa Clara) voted no on awarding the contract, with
>the other members voting yes; the resolution thus passed 6-3.

At the San Carlos depot afterward, I was discussing this same issue with a few
fellow attendees while waiting on #59. One (didn't get hsi name) said he
thought the three "no" votes were for show. I am not so sure, but even if it
was, it was nice to see.

>Personally, I'm torn on this issue. The Caltrain gallery cars are
>awful, and we really need to investigate ways of completely re-equipping
>the fleet with something that rides better and serves the passengers
>better. Nonetheless, the issues of maintenance and compatibility are
>real ones, even if (as I think) they were overstated in this case.
>Furthermore, there is a real need for more equipment, and adding two
>more years' delay to the process would be most regrettable.

This is true. I, too, would like to see capacity increased (not to mention see
that sorry/full situation known as the bike car dealth with<g>).

Trixie Johnson said something to the effect that we'd have to look at total
fleet replacement in the future. I agreed with this and said so. I pointed out
that Caltrain ought to look into replacing the gallery fleet with new cars and
financing them in part with the proceeds from the sale of the old ones.
(Somebody out there will take 'em; all the former SP galleries found homes

>I was impressed to see members of the JPB willing to vote against ANY
>staff recomendation, inasmuch as most of the time they seem to
>rubber-stamp anything coming out of the Staff Coordinating Council. I
>only wish that they had taken some action a couple of years ago, when it
>would have been much easier to change the direction of the car
>procurement process.

True. But then, hindsight is always 20/20.

Kevin W. Hecteman (kevin zero one three at aol dot com)

(motto of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association)

"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."--Theodore Roosevelt (ya listenin',

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