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My opinion cannot be wrong!

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Icono Clast

Nov 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/11/99
This evening I was told that a recent report of mine was subjected to
a scathing attack that I've not yet seen. But I can respond:

If I were to praise everything upon which I report, my opinion would
have no value. If I were to criticize everything upon which I report,
my opinion would have no value. I hope that some of you hold the
opinion that my reports are well-founded and trustworthy.
When my fingers flog the keyboard preparing a report for your
consideration, I try to get the facts straight and welcome
When I present my observations, they're as accurate and objective as
it's possible for me to make them. They're what I think I saw and
heard and not necessarily what someone else saw and heard. Such
observations are often inaccurate which is proved thousands of times
daily in court rooms around the world. But I believe mine to be true,
accurate, and objective.
When I express an opinion, it is only my opinion. My opinion cannot
be wrong. My opinion cannot be right. It is but an opinion. It is
you, who might agree, argue, or disagree with me, who colors my
opinion one way, some way, or another way. I have allowed my opinion
to be subjected to your power to confirm, dismiss, dispute,
contradict, or ignore.
ICONO CLAST: A San Franciscan in 47.335² mile San Francisco.


Nov 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/12/99
I have always found your posts to be well written & fair. You are one of the few
people who's opinion I respect on this board. As well as being one of the more
knowledgeable people who post here.

Nov 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/12/99
In article <382ABCCA...@JPS.Net>,
Icono Clast <ICl...@JPS.Net> wrote:

> (in part)

> When I present my observations, they're as accurate and objective as
> it's possible for me to make them. They're what I think I saw and
> heard and not necessarily what someone else saw and heard. Such
> observations are often inaccurate which is proved thousands of times
> daily in court rooms around the world. But I believe mine to be true,
> accurate, and objective.

One thing I've always admired about your well-written posts is that they are
based on your personal knowledge of an event, situation or person. Too often
people comment at length about people they've never met or places they've
never been; I've always believed in the primacy of direct personal
observation as a source of knowledge.

Tom Kehoe
Rochele, IL

Sent via
Before you buy.

Steve Mueller

Nov 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/13/99
Icono Clast wrote:

> When I express an opinion, it is only my opinion. My opinion cannot
> be wrong. My opinion cannot be right. It is but an opinion.

Well, that depends how you define "opinion". For example, if you're
color-blind, you might say red and green look the same. That is a fact
from your perspective, but could also be considered an opinion.

Measuring the actual wavelength of the light from "red" and "green"
objects would clearly establish the fact that they are not the same and
fall into the ranges of "red" and "green". Thus, your pronouncement
that they were the same could also be considered an opinion.

Clearly, though, judgements about things that can't be measured are
opinions that can't be defined as right or wrong. "Fun", "beauty" and
such haven't yet been quantified (to my knowledge), so comments about
those aren't right or wrong.

Pedantically yours,

Icono Clast

Nov 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/14/99
Steve Mueller wrote:
> Well, that depends how you define "opinion". For example, if you're
> color-blind, you might say red and green look the same. That is a fact
> from your perspective, but could also be considered an opinion.

Precisely why my remarks included "Such observations are often

inaccurate which is proved thousands of times daily in court rooms
around the world."

> Pedantically yours,
> Steve

Well, yes, but see above.

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