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Ward's Book Notes???

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Phil Keller

Jan 26, 2008, 9:30:03 AM1/26/08
From the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club

Where are Bernie Ward's notes?

One question in the Bernie Ward child porn case is -- If he was really
doing research for a book when he downloaded those images, where are his
notes or other evidence that shows he was working on a book? That's the
question Ben Fong-Torres asked in his Chronicle Radio Waves column a
couple weeks ago, and he has since received an answer from the liberal
talk-show host:

"I did have notes," he wrote in an e-mail. "Notes on what I was
doing and conversations I had, etc. I told people I was going to write a
book, and one of those people also saw the index cards that I had notes
on." He also had a meeting at Perry's on Union Street with a publisher's
rep, he says, and that meeting was scheduled by his producer at KGO.
Ward says he has informed KGO about his notes but hasn't had access to
them "because of the fear of being accused of adding to them or
doctoring them in some way."

Fong-Torres's column doesn't say who Ward informed KGO-AM about his
notes or when. The day Ward's indictment was unsealed, Operations
Director Jack Swanson said in a statement that the station "just
recently made aware of these serious charges." Ward is accused of
downloading the images in December 2004. Ward has known he was being
investigated by federal authorities since at least early 2005 when his
computer was seized. Ward did not reveal he was under investigation to
his listeners in the three years before he was indicted.
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Jan 27, 2008, 12:26:47 AM1/27/08
Phil Keller wrote:

There are two issues. One is the presence or absence of "notes".

Many predators/criminals have kept notes on their "research".
The term, "Research" does not make it innocent. Many criminals
perform their "research" with the goal of advancing their criminal

The implication of "research", in this case, is that it is
"Journalistic Research", somehow making the crime ok. However,
the fact that any perpetrator with any intelligence would likely
cloak his activities in the blanket of "Research Activity" must
be taken into consideration.


With this case, at some point, the Jury will need to observe:

He walks like a Duck (Fits the profile of Child Sex Predator)
He talks like a Duck (Defends Child Sex Predators in public)
He is a Duck (Guilty).

Maybe the poor slob slipped though the cracks of justice, and
is an innocent bystander. But personally, I would never let a
single molecule of his skin within 300 feet of my little girls
or little boy, based on his alleged behavior and views.

On balance, I am completely satisfied, and greatful, to see him
arrested for his alleged child porn downloading and transfer to
others. To me, he appears to be simply one more among the long
list of hypocritical violators of the trust of the American people.

He is simply one more of the thousands of psychotics in the US,
whose acquantences say, "Who'd of thought he was so Evil"?.

Especially those taken in by his public commentary and personna**.

** Mostly his listeners on KGO-AM.


Jan 27, 2008, 1:25:22 AM1/27/08
Ever since Bernie was arrested we have been hearing this stuff about
"where are the notes?". By the same token why aren't people screaming
"Why has Bernie refused to take the stand?". And "Bernie didn't
release the taped phone calls and video tapes of his ATM transactions
so he must have been hiding in Cambodia". WTF?

The trial is way in the future. Why would Bernie be presenting notes
and documents for his defense to the media months before the trial?
People aren't even making sense.

Jan 27, 2008, 12:42:20 PM1/27/08
> There are two issues.  One is the presence or absence of "notes".
> Many predators/criminals have kept notes on their "research".
> The term, "Research" does not make it innocent.   Many criminals
> perform their "research" with the goal of advancing their criminal
> enterprise.

When you say "predators" you imply that Bernie was dealing with child
porn for a long period (weeks, months, years?). The reports in the
press are a couple of transactions. Did Rush and Savage tell you it
was more (those are the same guys that said Terri Schiavo was in a
coma and not braindead). We will all see more when the case comes to
trial and the real facts come out.

But I understand where you are coming from. Bernie pounds dittoheads
and Bush-sheep. It reminds me of cartoons when someone is hit with a
frying pan and their head assumes the same shape. That is the state
Bernie leaves the dittohead callers in, so I understand your joy. I
suspect you called him before and you still suffer the humiliation.

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