KTVU is asking to transmit on ch. 48 from Monument Peak.
KPIX and KBCW want to be on Mount Vaca, on channels 42 and 31,
KTFK wants to be on Mount Diablo:
(From what I just read, they were transmitting on Diablo until the
transition, when they moved to Walnut Grove. Guess they lost some
viewers in that process.)
I wonder if any other TV stations will want translators on Diablo. You
won't need much power to reach CC from up there.
> I wonder if any other TV stations will want translators on Diablo. You
> won't need much power to reach CC from up there.
I would imagine that Diablo would be a very poor place to put a
translator. Translators and boosters are for tactical use in surgically
filling in shadow areas or small communities. Diablo has a pretty clear
view of a lot of northern California, meaning that just about anything
you put there has a great possibility of interfering with some other
service or station.
When you have a very high place like that, you also run into the problem
of going through a lot of ether to get to your target. The best way to
describe it is that the signal goes everywhere (detectable at low level)
but goes nowhere (lacks strength to penetrate structures or overcome
other impediments).
John Higdon
+1 408 ANdrews 6-4400
AT&T-Free At Last
I agree it is kind of nuts to put a station on Diablo, but there
should be enough spectrum to coordinate a channel.
How about that site near Santos Ranch, AKA the old fly swatter.
37.659460° -121.933133°
Never mind. I had KFTK confused with a different station. Still, that
spot would be nice to deliever P-town and up to Danville with
broadcast TV.