Campus Policy Framework final call: Sept 30, 1pm PACIFIC (PDT)

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Carla Casilli

Sep 26, 2014, 4:21:24 PM9/26/14
to ba-workforce, ba-digweblit, ba-endorsement, ba-chairs, ba-cities, ba-educators, ba-globalization, ba-highered, ba-policy, ba-research, ba-standard, ba-messaging,
Hey all,

We're days away from completion! The time for public comment on the campus policy framework doc is up, and the final call has been scheduled. Details immediately below.

During this call we'll review the new suggestions and add to the sections that still need some content. After we collectively complete revisions and I do a final clean up of the document next week, it will go live October 6th. 

Many thanks to all who've contributed thus far to this important and amazing effort!


Carla Casilli
Director of Design + Practice
Badge Alliance

Twitter: @carlacasilli
Skype: cmcasilli
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