Carla Casilli
unread,Sep 18, 2014, 1:21:44 PM9/18/14Sign in to reply to author
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to ba-workforce, ba-digweblit, ba-endorsement, ba-chairs, ba-cities, ba-educators, ba-globalization, ba-highered, ba-policy, ba-research, ba-standard,
Hey all,
Thanks to your hard work, we are nearing completion of the
Campus Policy Framework. A few notes about what's next and how you can help.
Right now and for the next week (through Sept 28), this document is open to public comment. ALL public comment, including general public comment in addition to Working Group public comment. We'd like this framework to get as many eyes on it as possible before we complete our final round of revisions and release it to the wild so please share it far and wide in your social and professional networks.
- Week 8-9 (Sept 15-28): Doc open to public comment
- doodle poll for 3rd and final synchronous call (look for this soon)
- Week 10 (Sept 29 - Oct 3): Revise document based on public comments
- (asynchronous work + synchronous call)
- Week 11 (Oct 4): Final document released.
If you haven't yet had a chance to take a look, time's running out. After October 4, it's live. Help us make this the best document it can be by sharing your thoughts on it today. Thank you!
Carla CasilliDirector of Design + Practice
Badge Alliance
Twitter: @carlacasilli
Skype: cmcasilli