Badge Alliance Policy Working Group meeting

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Carla Casilli

Sep 10, 2014, 3:59:16 PM9/10/14
to ba-workforce, ba-endorsement, ba-research, ba-digweblit, ba-chairs, ba-cities, ba-highered, ba-educators, ba-policy, ba-standard
Hey all,

Tomorrow, Thursday, Sept 11 at 2pm EDT will see the re-initiation of the bi-weekly Badge Alliance Policy Working Group calls. Please make a note to attend so you can meet Danica Petroshius of Penn Hill Group, who has graciously agreed to lead the WG. We'll be introducing everyone to each other and stepping through our initial plans for the group. One such plan is an upcoming webinar on the value and importance of policy work. 

Our call details:
time:         Sept 11, 2pm Eastern 
dial-in:      1-800-707-2533 password 369 confID 7686#

For future reference, the Policy WG canonical etherpad can be found here. Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Carla Casilli
Director of Design + Practice
Badge Alliance

Twitter: @carlacasilli
Skype: cmcasilli
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