Pennsic Pre-registration!!

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Seneschal of Three Rivers

May 11, 2023, 6:54:46 PM5/11/23
From our Calontir Land agent:
"Greetings Calontir from your Pennsic 50 Land Agent.

While we leap into the late Spring and early Summer event schedule, we also need to look ahead to Pennsic. Pre-registration will be closing soon.
Mail-in pre-registration ends 31 May. Online pre-registration is open until 11 June. 
Pre-registrations are tied to the land allotment we have available and this year attendance is expected to be much higher than normal... It is the 50th, after all.

If you plan to attend, the paid pre-registration is the only certain way to ensure your space is accounted. Once you've pre-registered at with your Land Group as "Populace of Calontir," please contact me at
For camp space planning, please include your expected arrival date, the people arriving with you, and your tent dimensions. Any specific requests you may have for placement in the camp are also appreciated. 

We are coming down to it, I look forward to seeing everyone on that field father first plowed.

-Viga-Valr Viligisl
Land Agent, Calontir"

~ Gwynneth
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