PBP Video on GCN+

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Mike Sturgill

Nov 28, 2023, 3:06:34 PM11/28/23
to AZRandon, Bullshifter Members
Hello cycling enthusiasts!

GCN was filming a video during this year's Paris Brest Paris 1200km Randonnee. They followed 4 riders over the entire event. I (and Brian McGuire) happened to ride with Amy (1 of the 4) during a portion of the event. Below is a link to the trailer for the movie. So far, I have not found any public access to the full-length 55 minute movie that was produced. If you happen to be a subscriber of GCN+ then you can access the movie. But, since GCN+ is shutting down in Dec, they are not taking any new subscribers.

PBP 2023 Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lryzaG8ypG8

If you happen to know where one might be able to watch the full-length movie without a current GCN+ subscription, please share that info!

PBP '03, '07, '11, '15, '19, '23

Mike Enfield

Nov 28, 2023, 4:19:41 PM11/28/23
to azra...@googlegroups.com, Bullshifter Members

I don’t know about GCN+, but Amy has a couple videos out:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CqYrzRF_OQ (part 1 of 2, Brian has a brief appearance near the beginning and I think you are both in it at around 19:00)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiaFJry1apA (part 2of 2)


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