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AZ Randonneurs Jersey and kit

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Mike Sturgill

Mar 9, 2023, 7:07:17 PM3/9/23
to AZRandon
Hello Randos!

Arizona now have a spiffy kit for us to show off our state! Shown here is the sketch that was done in the process of the design to temp you. We have short, long and sleeveless jersey options in men's & women's cuts, wind and thermal vests, wind and thermal jackets, sun and thermal sleeves, regular and bib shorts with your choice of padding and a cap! Lots of options and they all look good. You don't need to have ever ridden a brevet to wear this kit. The cactus is distinctly "Arizona" along with the AZ state flag.

The prices are reflective of the RUSA organization, so we get 100 piece pricing + an additional 15% discount. The Voler store is now open, so take a look at the options and order away! The store doesn't show what the backs of the garments look like, but I have a web page showing the sketches that were used in the designs which do show the backs. Your orders will be sent directly to you.
Voler Store:
Front/Back sketches:

For those who may be interested in where the quote came from, here is a link to the poem.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Mike Sturgill

Mar 22, 2023, 10:32:58 AM3/22/23
to AZRandon
Hello Randos!

Here's a reminder that the order window will close on 3/27/2023. If you'd like to order any of the clothing, now is the time. Shipping is scheduled for May 5th.

Order here:

Let me know if you have any questions.
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