I am going to be in southern AZ again in March and would like to get in two to three weeks of touring/bike packing. I'll be on my gravel/rando bike. While it is a gravel bike, I prefer the pavement to smoother gravel roads spectrum better than washboard/sandy/deep pea gravel to single track end of the spectrum.
Will likely do 2 to 4 shorter outings of 3 - 7 nights each. I'm comfortable with 30 miles with up to 4,000' of climbing, to 60 miles with 2,500' or less climbing. If you know of any good routes or roads that fit (or conversely, roads or areas to avoid), I would love to hear about them. If you're interested in riding any of them with me and my daily miles/climbing fit your riding appetite, that would be even better!
-Mark Ueeck
RUSA 9737