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RUSA PBP Prep seminar #3 - Correction - 1200s COUNT!

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Mike Sturgill

Apr 6, 2023, 2:45:36 PM4/6/23
to AZRandon
Forwarded message from Mark Thomas. Could be good news for some.

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Despite what I said during the PBP Prep seminar, an LRM brevet of 1200km or longer (such as the already held Florida Golden Falcon or Texas Quick & Dirty or the upcoming Carolina Spring or Colorado Front Range) can be used as a qualifying brevet for Paris-Brest-Paris.

Although not specified in the regulations, a sharp-eyed ancien (thanks Graham Ross) noted that the “Diary” section of the PBP website mentions LRM brevets: "To register, you will have to complete between 01/11/2022 and 30/06/2023 a Super Randonneur brevet series: 200 km, 300 km, 400 km and 600 km. A missing brevet can be replaced by a brevet of a greater distance. It is even possible to replace a BRM 600 with a BRM 1000. Only BRM and RM >= 1200 km will be considered.”

Today I received confirmation from the ACP that "a RM >= 1200 km can replace any requested brevet.” 

This could be good news for riders who have completed a 1200 already or for riders with limited free time who are trying to fit a 1200 and PBP qualification into their schedule.


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