Lowell Observatory 200k added to the schedule

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Mike Sturgill

May 14, 2023, 4:31:44 PM5/14/23
to AZRandon, Bullshifter Members, Tue/Thu Rides
Hello Randos!

I have just added the Lowell Observatory 200k brevet (https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28357056) to the schedule on Mar 27th. This route will start in Thorpe Park at the base of the original Lowell (where Pluto was discovered.) We will also visit 2 additional Lowell Observatories, in addition to the NPOI (https://lowell.edu/research/telescopes-and-facilities/npoi/).

It's time to get out of the Valley of the Oven and enjoy some cool riding in the pines. All the info may be found here:


Mike Sturgill

May 14, 2023, 4:40:15 PM5/14/23
to AZRandon, Bullshifter Members, Tue/Thu Rides
Correction: I meant May 27. D'Oh!

On 5/14/2023 1:31 PM, Mike Sturgill wrote:
Hello Randos!

I have just added the Lowell Observatory 200k brevet (https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28357056) to the schedule on May 27th. This route will start in Thorpe Park at the base of the original Lowell (where Pluto was discovered.) We will also visit 2 additional Lowell Observatories, in addition to the NPOI (https://lowell.edu/research/telescopes-and-facilities/npoi/).
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