Baptism Margin Note Help

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2022年9月13日 下午2:21:452022/9/13
收件者:Azores Genealogy
Can someone please help translate and explain the margin note located in the top left-hand side of this baptism record:

I'm searching for a Maria born to a Jose da Costa and Maria dos Anjos around 1758 in Ginetes (this record is from 1759). And while the margin note does list those names, the actual baptism record they're next to has a different father's name so I'm a bit confused. 

Any help would be appreciated. 

Ângela Loura

2022年9月13日 下午2:27:272022/9/13
«Declaro que a baptizada por nome Maria é filha de José da Costa e de sua mulher Maria dos Anjos como se verifica de uma sentença justificativa do Mto. Reverendo Ouvidor (...)»

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Cheri Mello

2022年9月13日 下午2:27:372022/9/13
Your hunch is correct. The margin note is correcting the father's name from Manuel da Costa to Jose da Costa. It's dated July 1778, so maybe that's around the time Maria got married?
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada



2022年9月13日 下午3:25:002022/9/13
收件者:Azores Genealogy
Thank you for translation and the help. 

This leads me to a related question. Regarding the corresponding marriage for this Maria, I found not one but two marriage records only two years apart for the same couple. 

The first was in March 1779 (about 8 months after the baptism correction) and the second was in May 1781. There's a margin note under the first marriage and I believe it says something to the effect that the first marriage was invalid because it was not disclosed that the bride and groom were cousins. Is this correct? 

Cheri Mello

2022年9月13日 下午3:51:522022/9/13
Yes, your are correct. The 2nd marriage says they were cousins in the 3rd and 4th degrees (so both 2nd and 3rd cousins).

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada


2022年9月13日 下午5:28:192022/9/13
收件者:Azores Genealogy
Great, so my reading comprehension isn't as bad as I feared. One last question on this particular couple since they've managed to throw up a lot of ancestral curveballs. 

In researching Maria's children, I know that she had a son named Manuel who was born around 1777 according to his death record. I was able to locate a baptism record for a Manuel born in February 1779 who was listed as a foundling left on someone's doorstep. This would have been about a month before Maria's first (later invalid) marriage. 

Here's where I'm admittedly going out on a bit of a research limb: The margin note for this baptism record is largely obscured by the book's binding. However, I *think* I can just make out the partial words "Antonio de Aguiar and his wife Maria dos Anjos" in the margin and, at the bottom, the date May 1781. If I'm not seeing just things then these names and dates would all correspond to Maria's second (valid) marriage.

Baptism Record (Top-Left): 

Is it possible that this couple had Manuel out of wedlock and then had a friend or neighbor baptize him as a foundling only to reclaim him later when they were legally married, or am I just seeing what I want to see and there's really no evidence that this ever happened? I'm not sure what the common practice was in those days for children born out of wedlock and if this scenario ever occurred. 

Cheri Mello

2022年9月13日 下午5:36:122022/9/13
I can tell that the margin note is claiming paternity to the baby. The mother is Maria, and maybe dos Anjos, but because of the binding, I can't make anymore out.

It very well may be the Manuel you seek. If you are fluent in Portuguese, you could email the archive and ask them to pull that record and tell you what the margin says. If you're not fluent, you could pay Joao Ventura who is an archivist on Terceira, to ask them to get the margin for you. You'd have to contact him for his rates. heroi99 at
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada


2022年9月13日 晚上7:39:282022/9/13
收件者:Azores Genealogy
Thank you so much, Cheri. I didn't realize the margin note referred to paternity. So that's promising! Thank you for the additional resources. Is there a specific email address I should use to contact the archive for a request like that? It's great to know that the research doesn't need to end here.

Cheri Mello

2022年9月13日 晚上7:42:392022/9/13
I believe it's this email address. I'd send along the URL to the CCA image asking if they can read a little more than what you see on the screen. It was labeled "tight binding" but the worst you'd get back would be that they can't read anymore than you can.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada


2022年9月14日 上午10:29:292022/9/14
收件者:Azores Genealogy
I’ll give it a try. Thanks again! 

Melissa Rego

2022年9月21日 上午10:13:592022/9/21
收件者:Azores Genealogy
May someone help me transcribe this margin note (1896)? Looking for relevant info to add to my family tree ... I see a couple of dates. Thank you so much in advance. I have attached the photos and the link below.

Margin note.PNGMargin note PART 2.PNG

Cheri Mello

2022年9月21日 上午10:25:522022/9/21
#1) She married Antonio de Medeiros Furtado in Rabo de Peixe, record 160 or 168, on the 17 Apr 1918.
#2) The marriage was dissolved by the death of the spouse on 20 Sep 1953. It does not name the spouse, but I'm reading the ending vowels as "o" so it's the husband.
#3) Died today in the freguesia of Rabo de Peixe, record #8, 12 Apr 1978.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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