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AUTO Transliteration

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azhagi Viswanathan

Apr 23, 2009, 11:59:53 PM4/23/09
to அழகி (Azhagi)
Dear Users,

Azhagi has the facility to transliterate existing English (rather
Tanglish) texts without the need to retype them. To auto transliterate
existing texts, one has to just copy and paste the text in the ETA of
azhagi and the corresponding Tamil will appear in the bottom screen in
no time.

It is of immense help to some of the users who had transcribed their
Tamil poems, slokas, articles etc. earlier in English or have some
material saved from the web in Tanglish. To convert their works in
Tamil now, there is no need for them to retype their entire work. They
just have to paste it in the ETA (English Text Area) of azhagi and
azhagi will do the rest. Ofcourse, there will be some areas wherein
they have to make some minor corrections and alterations.

For a screen snapshot depicting this feature, visit

This is what Mr.Sundar Krishnamurthy of Bangalore had to say after
availing the 'Auto Transliteration' feature:
"Thank you very much. You have saved a lot of my valuable time vide
your 'Auto Transliteration' tool. The Lord Almighty shall reward you
for this."

Mr.Sundar Krishnamurthy had loads of texts related to "Sri Vishnu
Sahasranamam" in transcribed form and as a senior citizen was worried
over the efforts needed to convert them all in Tamil. Azhagi did the
conversion in no time for him and helped him to easily distribute his
divine-related work to 100s of other people.

There might be many more Mr.Sundars who have the need for Auto-
Transliteration but not aware of such a facility existing in Azhagi.
In fact, several other facilities are available in Azhagi (like
Reverse Transliteration, Word count in Tamil, Tutor's keypad etc.)
ever since azhagi's inception in year 2000 itself, which most users
are not aware of, simply because of the reason that they did not
explore Azhagi. We kindly request you all to explore 'azhagi', as and
when your time permits and get to learn Azhagi in its totality so that
even if you are not in need of a facility like Auto-transliteration,
you can atleast pass on that information to ALL your 100s and 1000s of
contacts so that a few amongst them who are in need of that facility
get benefitted and become immensely happy. You also get the
satisfaction of making some people immensely happy.

So, kindly take time to explore 'azhagi' and participate more in our
efforts to help others. As you take more and more of your time to
spread the news of Azhagi, more and more people will get benefitted
from azhagi. It also gives more and more time for us to concentrate on
developing many more powerful tools like Auto-Transliteration and also
enhance them, rather than spending our (in)valuable time in
disseminating information on Azhagi and its various unique/useful

If you wish to know in what all ways you can give a part of your time
in helping to spread the news of Azhagi (and any other software, for
that matter) for the benefit of 1000s and 1000s of other users, please
visit . We have listed out
several ways and modes, if in case you are thinking of a single way
only (say like emailing others). At this juncture, we have to thank a
few noble souls wholeheartedly (like Mr.A.K.Rajagopalan - editor of, Mr.Achalam, Anthony, ..., ...) who have given their
(in)valuable time in helping to spread the news of Azhagi in very many
ways. We will write about their sincere efforts separately.

By the by, if you continue to use Azhagi for free, kindly consider
making a payment. It will greatly help in Azhagi's growth. In this
regard, please read fully.

Further TIPS on Auto Transliteration:

1. You can use this powerful feature to convert data in Excel files
too (for e.g. names, city names etc.). Just select some columns of
data from your Excel file, paste those data in 'Notepad' first. They
will be copied in columns itself, each column separated by space. Copy
and paste this data from Notepad onto ETA of Azhagi and it will
convert the data to Tamil in columns in TTA. Copy this Tamil data from
TTA of Azhagi and paste it in blank columns of your Excel file and you
have your converted data ready.

2. When you paste your English (rather Tanglish) text from an external
source onto the ETA of Azhagi, in general, the whole text is converted
into its Tamil equivalent. But, sometimes you might require that some
portions of your pasted text be kept in English itself, without
conversion. To achieve this, if you keep the option 'Use caret as
English text delimiter' under 'More preferences' ticked, and if your
copied English text has certain portions delimited within carets, then
these portions will be kept in English itself without conversion. For
ex : you can have your external text as : "appaa, eppadi irukkeenga?
^I am fine^" and when you copy this text in ETA of Azhagi, "appaa,
eppadi irukkeenga?" will be converted to Tamil but "I am fine" will be
kept intact in English itself.

3. If the text to be converted is large, it will take proportionately
longer time for conversion. So, if your text is large, it is better to
break it into smaller chunks and attempt conversion on the same. If
you try out some sample texts first, then you can judge what 'large'
means for your specific computer configuration (processor speed, RAM

The above UNIQUE facility is available in 'azhagi' ever since its
inception in year 2000.

'Team' Azhagi
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