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Illegals On A Murderous RAMPAGE!!

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* US *

Apr 20, 2010, 3:52:21 PM4/20/10

Cops and citizens being massacred. Obama and the Napolitano dyke
twiddle their thumbs, dawdle, and ignore pleas from local law
enforcement agencies.

Hope 'n' change in Obama's America

Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins
Call for U.S. Troops at Border
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says violence in Arizona by criminal
illegal aliens has reached "epidemic proportions." He spoke at a
Capitol Hill news conference on Monday, April 19, 2010.

Law enforcement officials from the Arizona counties hardest hit by
illegal immigration say they want U.S. troops to help secure the
border, to prevent the deaths of more officers at the hands of
criminals who enter the country illegally.

“We’ve had numerous officers that have been killed by illegal
immigrants in Arizona,” Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Monday at
a Capitol Hill news conference. “And that shouldn’t happen one time.”

Babeu said the violence in Arizona has reached “epidemic proportions”
and must be stopped. “In just one patrol area, we’ve had 64 pursuits
-- failure to yield for an officer -- in one month,” Babeu said.
“That’s out of control.”

The recent murder of Arizona rancher Robert Krentz, who was shot to
death last month on his own property, apparently by an illegal alien,
also has fueled public outrage.

Arizona Sens. John McCain and John Kyl, both Republicans, called
Monday’s news conference to announce a 10-point plan to secure the
border between Arizona and Mexico. They are requesting the immediate
deployment of 3,000 National Guard troops and a permanent increase of
3,000 more Custom and Border Protection Agents along the state’s
border by 2015.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called a press conference on Monday, April
19, 2010 to announce a 10-point plan to secure the border between
Mexico and Arizona, including the immediate deployment of 3,000
National Guard troops to the region. McCain, who faces a tough primary
election against conservative Republican JD Hayworth in September,
sponsored an immigration-reform bill in 2000 that would have
established a guest-worker program and a “pathway to citizenship” for
illegal immigrants. The bill was opposed by many conservatives. He
also supported immigration-reform bills in 2006 and again in 2007.

But on Monday, McCain was talking only about enforcement: "The lesson
is clear: First we have to secure the border," McCain said. "If you
want to enact some other reforms, how can that be effective when you
have a porous border?”

Later on Monday, McCain told Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly that he changed
his stance on immigration over a year ago. McCain also made that point
at Monday’s press conference:

“Let me just say that one of the requirements is absolutely that we
need to send 3,000 National Guard troops along the Arizona Mexico
border – something that Senator Kyl and I called for well over a year
ago,” McCain said.

Kyl said the effort to make sure the government fulfills its
responsibility to enforce federal immigration law goes back to the
days when Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was still
governor of Arizona. But Napolitano has not responded to the latest
request for troops through the proposed 10-point plan.

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) has long been an advocate for securing the
border between Mexico and Arizona by using armed troops. “Every one of
these recommendations has been recommended to us by people who are on
the front line,” Kyl said. “And many of these recommendations are not
new. They have been part of what we have been writing to the
Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security about for a
long time.”

The senators’ plan includes a wide range of tactics for securing the
border, including funding and supporting Operation Streamline, which
calls for criminal charges against and incarceration of individuals
who enter the U.S. illegally.

“If you come into America and you’re here illegally, guess what? There
is no catch and release. You should be detained for 14 to 21 days and
then formally deported,” Babeu said of Operation Streamline. “You come
back, guess what? You’re going to prison. That’s what we’ve got to
do,” Babeu said.

The plan also calls for the federal government to reimburse the state
for the cost of enforcing immigration laws, the installation of
fencing in strategic areas, increasing surveillance capabilities and
installing a federal magistrate in the state to oversee immigration

McCain and others at the press conference said that more than half of
the 1 million illegal aliens apprehended in the U.S. last year were
arrested in Arizona and that 17 percent of those are known to have
criminal records in the United States.

“Folks, your cops, your sheriffs cannot do this alone,” Babeu said.
“We’re doing our best and we’re overwhelmed. We’re stressed and things
are out of control. We need the help of troops that are deployed along
the border, additional resources for our border patrol and a zero
tolerance policy.”

Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever said he believes the porous
southern border is not only dangerous to Arizona but to the entire
nation, since terrorists could slip through just as easily as drug
dealers. “To me, therein lies the real threat to our homeland
security,” Dever said.

The senators announced their 10-point plan on the same day the Arizona
Legislature sent a tough new immigration bill to Arizona Gov. Jan
Brewer, who has not yet said whether she will sign it.

The bill, championed as a law-and-order measure by its supporters,
would make it a misdemeanor to be in the state illegally, and it would
require police to question people about their immigration status if
there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally.

western auto

Apr 20, 2010, 4:04:52 PM4/20/10
On 4/20/2010 8:52 AM, * US * wrote:
> Hope 'n' change


Major Debacle

Apr 20, 2010, 4:41:05 PM4/20/10
* US * wrote:
> Cops and citizens being massacred. Obama and the Napolitano dyke
> twiddle their thumbs, dawdle, and ignore pleas from local law
> enforcement agencies.
> Hope 'n' change in Obama's America
> ____________
> Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins
> Call for U.S. Troops at Border
> Tuesday, April 20, 2010
> By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
> Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says violence in Arizona by criminal
> illegal aliens has reached "epidemic proportions." He spoke at a
> Capitol Hill news conference on Monday, April 19, 2010.
> Law enforcement officials from the Arizona counties hardest hit by
> illegal immigration say they want U.S. troops to help secure the
> border, to prevent the deaths of more officers at the hands of
> criminals who enter the country illegally.
> “We’ve had numerous officers that have been killed by illegal
> immigrants in Arizona,” Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Monday at
> a Capitol Hill news conference. “And that shouldn’t happen one time.”

How about some names, and dates of killing, of these "numerous officers"
that have been killed by illegal immigrants in Arizona? Proof that they
were killed by illegal immigrants would be an added bonus.

Then, how about a side-by-side comparison of the number of officers
killed by illegal immigrants versus the number of officers killed by us
citizens and legal residents in the same time frame, oh, say, the last
ten years?

Beer... so much more than a breakfast drink

* US *

Apr 20, 2010, 4:49:22 PM4/20/10
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:41:05 +0000 (UTC), Major Debacle
<Major_...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>* US * wrote:

>Then, how about a side-by-side comparison of the number of officers
>killed by illegal immigrants versus the number of officers killed by us
>citizens and legal residents in the same time frame, oh, say, the last
>ten years?

Illegals kill considerably less than are killed by homo negronus
Americanus .... so far.

But they're certainly catching up to the homies.

Point is that the illegals don't belong here, dumbass.

The homies do .... sadly.

Alfred Stomacker

Apr 20, 2010, 5:22:08 PM4/20/10
requests fall on def Napolitano ears.
Troops really mean nothing just as they did the last time they sent them
. they are not allowed to secure the border . They are not allowed to
fire on invading forces. all they do is build roads and fences and
watch. Watch helps nothing . bullets secure.

that pos McCain flopped right over when he decided that his job is in
jeopardy . Now he wants to secure the border and have troops . yesterday
he wanted to open it up for free travel and give 30 million latino
criminals a quick route to US citizenship so they can then chain migrate
100 million more friends and family over to be citizens .
McCain needs to be voted out .

Alfred Stomacker

Apr 20, 2010, 5:24:26 PM4/20/10
how about this is about illegals and they should be killed on entry.
they ar criminals the second they invade. Almost all murder warrants in
NM and AZ are issued for illegals . Almost all violent gang members are
illegals. Almost all kidnapping and home invasions in NM and Az are by
illegals .

you need to shot as a traitor for standing by them.

Alfred Stomacker

Apr 20, 2010, 5:28:24 PM4/20/10
that is exactly right .
liberals want to excuse latinos for their crimes just because blacks
commit more of them. Tell that to the people of Az ,Ca and NM . They
seem to have a different opinion on who kills more people in their states .

* US *

Apr 20, 2010, 5:29:11 PM4/20/10

McCain, Bush, Odumbo, in fact, damnnear all pols welcome the illegals.
It's all about the votes.

Tom Tancredo was one of the few who really wanted to seal the borders.

Alfred Stomacker

Apr 20, 2010, 5:29:54 PM4/20/10
On 4/20/2010 11:41 AM, Major Debacle wrote:
> * US * wrote:
>> Cops and citizens being massacred. Obama and the Napolitano dyke
>> twiddle their thumbs, dawdle, and ignore pleas from local law
>> enforcement agencies.
>> Hope 'n' change in Obama's America
>> ____________
>> Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins
>> Call for U.S. Troops at Border
>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010
>> By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
>> Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says violence in Arizona by criminal
>> illegal aliens has reached "epidemic proportions." He spoke at a
>> Capitol Hill news conference on Monday, April 19, 2010.
>> Law enforcement officials from the Arizona counties hardest hit by
>> illegal immigration say they want U.S. troops to help secure the
>> border, to prevent the deaths of more officers at the hands of
>> criminals who enter the country illegally.
>> �We�ve had numerous officers that have been killed by illegal
>> immigrants in Arizona,� Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Monday at
>> a Capitol Hill news conference. �And that shouldn�t happen one time.�

> How about some names, and dates of killing, of these "numerous officers"
> that have been killed by illegal immigrants in Arizona? Proof that they
> were killed by illegal immigrants would be an added bonus.
> Then, how about a side-by-side comparison of the number of officers
> killed by illegal immigrants versus the number of officers killed by us
> citizens and legal residents in the same time frame, oh, say, the last
> ten years?
How about a side by side by state . NM Ca Az . murders by blacks and
Latinos .
No point . we know who murders 97% of the people in them states.

Miz Roselles Baby Daddy

Apr 20, 2010, 5:34:30 PM4/20/10
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:41:05 +0000 (UTC), Major Debacle
<Major_...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>* US * wrote:
>> Cops and citizens being massacred. Obama and the Napolitano dyke
>> twiddle their thumbs, dawdle, and ignore pleas from local law
>> enforcement agencies.


>> Hope 'n' change in Obama's America
>> ____________


>> Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins
>> Call for U.S. Troops at Border
>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010

>> By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer=20

>> Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says violence in Arizona by criminal
>> illegal aliens has reached "epidemic proportions." He spoke at a

>> Capitol Hill news conference on Monday, April 19, 2010.=20

>> Law enforcement officials from the Arizona counties hardest hit by
>> illegal immigration say they want U.S. troops to help secure the
>> border, to prevent the deaths of more officers at the hands of
>> criminals who enter the country illegally.

>> =20
>> =93We=92ve had numerous officers that have been killed by illegal
>> immigrants in Arizona,=94 Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Monday a=
>> a Capitol Hill news conference. =93And that shouldn=92t happen one time=

>How about some names, and dates of killing, of these "numerous officers"
>that have been killed by illegal immigrants in Arizona? Proof that they
>were killed by illegal immigrants would be an added bonus.
>Then, how about a side-by-side comparison of the number of officers
>killed by illegal immigrants versus the number of officers killed by us
>citizens and legal residents in the same time frame, oh, say, the last
>ten years?

In my "sanctuary State" the deadly M-13 drug thugs have set up their
East coast operation.

They're taking business away from your black bruthas. In fact, the
bruthas are terrified of them.

Doesn't that concern you, Jamaal?

* US *

Apr 20, 2010, 7:30:58 PM4/20/10
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:25:55 -0700, "Baxter"
<> wrote:

>"Alfred Stomacker" <> wrote in message

>> liberals want to excuse latinos for their crimes just because blacks
>> commit more of them. Tell that to the people of Az ,Ca and NM . They seem
>> to have a different opinion on who kills more people in their states .

>You've got more arrests, you've got more incarcerations, but you do not have
>more actual crimes. When you have racist cops that throw blacks and
>Hispanics into prison for the same offenses that they just give warnings to
>whites, your "crime" statistics are going to be distorted.

In case you are a sheltered college student who is currently learning
the finer points of race relations in a safe sanitized classroom
setting, I have some news that will shake all your beliefs to the
core. Black people in America are the most racist group on the
planet. I know, I know, how can that be? Here you are,
new to an urban setting due to your recent enrollment in Liberal City
U. and right away you have been able to make two Black friends. Thank
you Lord for MTV, because you are now well equipped to easily slide
into their social structure with a high five and a shout out of
WAAASSSSUUUUPPPP!!!! And they take to you really quick as
well because of your diligent research into gangs, rap, and the Negro

But, and this is a big but, you are still the majority race and thus
the relationship bends easily in your favor. To test this theory of
how much your new black friends really admire you, suggest a sleepover
in their neighborhood. Get directions from Mapquest and offer to take
the subway to their crib. That's right, you will walk down the street
alone, preferably at night, into a majority black
neighborhood and see what shakes out.

Don't be discouraged if you get a brick blasted against your head and
discover that your theory of race equality was nothing more than a
dream. The evidence is all around us if you wish to take the time to
look. Blacks clamor for "Diversity" in a workplace setting where they
have no foothold. When they do dominate a field, they slam the doors
shut to White boys and girls. Look at rap. Do you see Ja Rule
or Fiddy Cent yelling, "YO! We need some more white dudes working
around here."

How about Basketball? In Larry Bird's memoirs, he recounts being
called a Cracker regularly. Who cares right? What if Bird was playing
against Charles Barkeley and said something like "Get the fuck out of
my lane you fat stupid Nigger!" Probably wouldn't fly, huh? Again,
the black players aren't whispering to the scouts that what they
really need in the next draft is some more white boys. They beat
Caucasians fair and square on those two fronts, but the trend is
telling. They kick and scream for Diversity, but once they get it they
do everything in their power to turn the situation completely Negro.
Our country is filled with exclusionary clubs, designed to keep Whitey
out. NAACP, BET, United Negro College Fund, Howard University, Black
Caucus, Black Journalists Association, Brotherhood of Black Police
Officers, etc, etc.

Liberals, Suburbanites plagued by White guilt, college students who
just learned how to live outside of Mommy's nest, and social workers
bend over backwards to see the Negro's plight without an inkling of
reality of the Black Agenda. But here's the slap in the face, when you
suggest that a big
chunk of Harlem should get relocated to the lily white burbs, guess
who kicks and screams the loudest. That's right, the same pussies who
supposedly know what the right thing to do morally have all of a
sudden changed their minds when they see Rolando and LaWanda rolling
up their street with 14 kids and a case of malt liquor.

Miz Roselles Baby Daddy

Apr 20, 2010, 7:00:32 PM4/20/10
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:25:55 -0700, "Baxter"
<> wrote:

>"Alfred Stomacker" <> wrote in message

>> liberals want to excuse latinos for their crimes just because blacks
>> commit more of them. Tell that to the people of Az ,Ca and NM . They seem
>> to have a different opinion on who kills more people in their states .

>You've got more arrests, you've got more incarcerations, but you do not have
>more actual crimes. When you have racist cops that throw blacks and
>Hispanics into prison for the same offenses that they just give warnings to
>whites, your "crime" statistics are going to be distorted.

You need to get your whigger ass over to Detroit, Baltimore, Gary,
Philly, any city in NJ, E. St. Lou .... and then talk to us.


Apr 20, 2010, 6:22:06 PM4/20/10
He wants to bite the hand that feeds him.


Apr 20, 2010, 6:22:06 PM4/20/10
The bigot is merely a leech.


Apr 20, 2010, 6:22:06 PM4/20/10
"Shock and Awe" is terrorism, by definition, after all.


Apr 20, 2010, 6:25:55 PM4/20/10
Free Software - Baxter Codeworks

"Alfred Stomacker" <> wrote in message

> liberals want to excuse latinos for their crimes just because blacks

> commit more of them. Tell that to the people of Az ,Ca and NM . They seem
> to have a different opinion on who kills more people in their states .

You've got more arrests, you've got more incarcerations, but you do not have

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 12:15:13 AM4/21/10
On 4/20/2010 9:41 AM, Major Debacle wrote:
> * US * wrote:
>> Cops and citizens being massacred. Obama and the Napolitano dyke
>> twiddle their thumbs, dawdle, and ignore pleas from local law
>> enforcement agencies.
>> Hope 'n' change in Obama's America
>> ____________
>> Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins
>> Call for U.S. Troops at Border
>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010
>> By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
>> Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu says violence in Arizona by criminal
>> illegal aliens has reached "epidemic proportions." He spoke at a
>> Capitol Hill news conference on Monday, April 19, 2010.
>> Law enforcement officials from the Arizona counties hardest hit by
>> illegal immigration say they want U.S. troops to help secure the
>> border, to prevent the deaths of more officers at the hands of
>> criminals who enter the country illegally.
>> �We�ve had numerous officers that have been killed by illegal
>> immigrants in Arizona,� Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Monday at
>> a Capitol Hill news conference. �And that shouldn�t happen one time.�
> How about some names, and dates of killing, of these "numerous officers"
> that have been killed by illegal immigrants in Arizona? Proof that they
> were killed by illegal immigrants would be an added bonus.



In honor of Americans killed by illegal aliens.

Deaths that could have been prevented if Congress and the President
would have secured our border and enforced existing U.S. immigration laws.

Victims - murders, deaths and maimings by illegal aliens in Arizona
Protect Our City

Officer Kenneth Collings of the Phoenix Police Department was killed in
1988 during the arrest of two robbery suspects at a local bank when one
opened fire. One of the robbers, Ismael Conde, was quickly arrested but
the other, Rudy Romero, escaped to Mexico. Romero was caught in southern
Mexico in 2000 and brought back to stand trial. The Arizona Attorney
General's Office credits help from the Phoenix Police Department, the
FBI, the Attorney General for the Republic of Mexico, and the Mexican
Federal Agency of Investigation � a rare and welcome act of extradition
from our southern neighbor. In March 2003, Romero was sentenced to 98
years in state prison.

Marc Atkinson was just 28 when he was shot and killed in a 1999 ambush
by an illegal alien from Mexico. Officer Atkinson was a five-year
veteran of the Phoenix Police Force, and was survived by his wife Karen,
infant son and two siblings. The killer, Felipe Petrona-Cabanas, had
around a pound of cocaine in his car when apprehended with two other
Mexican nationals. The three came from a farming area in the state of
Guerrero near Acapulco, and said they came to the United States to work
but couldn't find any. A notable detail in the case is how an armed
citizen, Rory Vertigan, came to the aid of the shot officer and helped
apprehend the Mexicans, who certainly would have escaped over the border
if they could have.

Phoenix Police Officer Robert Sitek was shot four times 4/12/03 during a
traffic stop altercation with an illegal alien that became violent.
Sitek and his partner David Thwing were on routine patrol when a red
truck cut off their squad car, and when the officers stopped the truck
the driver began shooting. Officer Sitek was in cardiac arrest by the
time he reached the hospital and lost a considerable amount of blood.
Shooter Francisco A. Gallardo was a "Mexican citizen who had recently
completed a seven-year prison term for aggravated assault." He had been
deported after his release but had returned to Arizona. Gallardo was
shot and killed as he tried to escape by Officer Thwing.

Medical Update, June 5, 2003: Officer Rob Sitek has had a slow but
gradually successful recovery from injuries that surely would have been
fatal to most. At nearly two months after the shooting, he has pulled
out of a three-week coma, is still unable to walk but is determined to
do so and eventually return to work.

The murder of Kris Eggle, a park ranger in the Organ Pipe Cactus
National Monument in southern Arizona on August 9, 2002, was little
noted by the media, although the press has paid considerable attention
to the deaths of illegal aliens on the border. By contrast, Ranger Eggle
was shot down by Mexican drug dealers who were using Organ Pipe as a
route for their smuggling. Only 28 when he was murdered, Eggle was a
valedictorian and an Eagle Scout who joined the National Park Service
because he loved the outdoors. (Organ Pipe is considered to be the most
dangerous of the national park system: 200,000 illegal aliens and
700,000 pounds of drugs were intercepted at the park in 2001.) The Eggle
family is determined that his death will not be forgotten by working for
real border control, including a Washington press conference with Tom
Tancredo in the fall of 2002. The Eggles have a family website,, to inform interested parties about what they are doing.

Border Patrol Agent James Epling died in performing his duties along the
Mexican border, apparently drowning in the Colorado River in pursuit of
several illegal aliens and was last seen along the shoreline as he
followed the foreigners. He was the seventh Border officer to die in the
line of duty in Yuma. Agent Epling was just 24 and was the father of
three, going on four. His father-in-law is a retired Border Patrol agent
from the McAllen, Texas, sector.

Just before disappearing, Epling had pulled a Chinese woman illegal
alien out of the river. Three other Chinese were taken into custody the
night of the disappearance, along with one Mexican believed to be the
smuggler. Although there has been no evidence of foul play actually
found, the smuggler can be charged in the death.

These two deputies were shot Dec. 16 in Mesa by an illegal alien whom
they were trying to arrest while executing a search warrant.
Fortunately, both have wounds that are not life threatening, although
Lewis Argetsinger may lose the use of his hand. Sean Pearce was shot in
the chest but was protected by body armor; he was hit in the stomach
just below the vest. Sean Pearce is the son of Rep. Russell Pearce of
the Arizona legislature who was in Washington to appear on an
immigration panel at the Brookings Institute when he received the news
that his son had been shot. Russell Pearce was an active supporter of
Prop. 200 which won at the polls in November and requires that voters
and would-be welfare recipients show proof of citizenship.

Russell Pearce is a father whose police officer son Sean was shot and
wounded by an illegal alien. Pearce is also a member of the Arizona
House of Representatives.

Rep. Pearce worked for border enforcement before his son was shot and
was a strong voice for Prop 200, the Arizona citizen's initiative
requiring that prospective voters and welfare recipients show
identification, which passed in Nov. 2004. But now he has one more
reason, a personal one, to work through the legislative process to
protect America's sovereignty and people.

As it happened, on the day Sean was wounded, Rep. Pearce was in
Washington to speak at Brookings on the subject of immigration policy.
"I was interrupted and given a message to call (wife) LuAnne in
reference to an emergency at home," Rep. Pearce remarked later. "I
called to find out my son Sean had been shot while executing a search
warrant on a home for homicide suspects and was being flown by
helicopter to the hospital. I later learned the suspects and the shooter
were illegal aliens and had been issued Matricula Consular cards so they
could get services in the United States."

In another case of justice denied, the murderer of Phoenix high school
student Tanee Natividad merely crossed the border into Mexico to escape
law enforcement. A local television station was able to track down the
murderer in a bar just a few miles across the border without much
effort. Max LaMadrid has no reason to hide because the Mexican
government actually helps violent criminals escape American justice.
According to Arizona Attorney General Janet Napolitano, action by the
Mexican supreme court making it more difficult to extradite criminals
has "created an incentive for people to flee into Mexico as a safe
harbor." At one time, Mexico would not extradite criminals who might be
subject to the death penalty; the Mexican court recently extended this
"protection" to any Mexican who might receive a life sentence, thereby
giving a free pass to rapists, kidnappers and child molesters. In fact,
the investigating reporter found 100 cases of violent criminals from the
Phoenix area escaping into Mexico in just the last few years. Meanwhile,
the grieving family of 16-year-old Tanee gets no justice � like
thousands of others in the southwest.

Another tragic addition to the list of unnessary deaths caused by
violent illegal aliens was the newlywed couple, James and Emilia Lee of
Huachuca City, Arizona, who had been married only six weeks. They were
killed Oct. 16 when a truckload of at least 17 illegal aliens traveling
at 90 mph crashed into several vehicles near the town of Sierra Vista,
leaving a horrific scene of carnage. The aliens were trying to escape
police after they had run a stop sign, and the truck rammed into a line
of nine vehicles waiting for a turn light near Fort Huachuca.

James Lee's son Joe and grandson Christopher.... James was 75 and his
new bride Emilia was 71. The couple had been planning a fishing trip to
Mexico with Joe and other relatives. Both James and Emilia were known as
neighborly, never hesitating to reach out to help. James often helped
out when someone needed a home repair done, and Emilia was an active
volunteer for her church. Nearly 300 friends and family attended the
services for the Lees held Oct. 21.

> Then, how about a side-by-side comparison of the number of officers
> killed by illegal immigrants versus the number of officers killed by us
> citizens and legal residents in the same time frame, oh, say, the last
> ten years?


Illegals are here ILLEGALLY, you asshole, that makes it a crime TWICE OVER!

You are WORTHLESS traitorous VERMIN deserving of instantaneous DEATH!

Pray to GOD that you are not found, you asshole.

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 12:15:54 AM4/21/10


western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 12:16:47 AM4/21/10

Do you have his exact name and particulars?

I think it would be welcome data here...

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 12:20:11 AM4/21/10
On 4/20/2010 11:25 AM, Baxter wrote:
> You've got more arrests,

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"At my age, I don't need balls. I'm done with the procreation stuff."
"I've been around pimps before (as a "slumlord")..."

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 12:57:12 AM4/21/10
On 4/20/2010 11:25 AM, Baxter wrote:
> You've got more arrests, you've got more incarcerations, but you do not have
> more actual crimes.

It's called catch and release, you DUMB FUCK!

Miz Roselles Baby Daddy

Apr 21, 2010, 1:04:14 AM4/21/10
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 17:16:47 -0700, western auto <to...@hill.strd>

I call him Jamaal.

If you want his actual name, trace his IP; I don't really give a shit.

Particulars? He's one of the 94% of the bruthas who voted for the
Marxist Obama. Ain't that enough for ya?

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 1:16:43 AM4/21/10

It's not listed, or I would have.

> Particulars? He's one of the 94% of the bruthas who voted for the
> Marxist Obama. Ain't that enough for ya?

Freaking MORE than enough!!!

>> I think it would be welcome data here...

The offer holds, anyone who'd like to out that turd, have at.

Miz Roselles Baby Daddy

Apr 21, 2010, 1:23:14 AM4/21/10
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 18:16:43 -0700, western auto <to...@hill.strd>

The boy likes his privacy.

>> Particulars? He's one of the 94% of the bruthas who voted for the
>> Marxist Obama. Ain't that enough for ya?
>Freaking MORE than enough!!!
>>> I think it would be welcome data here...
>The offer holds, anyone who'd like to out that turd, have at.

Man, don't get upset. It's just Usenet. He's just one of millions who
got suckered in by the "Regime" and still desperately hopes for it to
succeed. Voter's remorse will eventually filter-in to his brain,
altho he'll never admit it.

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 1:32:14 AM4/21/10

I don't wonder why...

>>> Particulars? He's one of the 94% of the bruthas who voted for the
>>> Marxist Obama. Ain't that enough for ya?
>> Freaking MORE than enough!!!
>>>> I think it would be welcome data here...
>> The offer holds, anyone who'd like to out that turd, have at.
> Man, don't get upset. It's just Usenet. He's just one of millions who
> got suckered in by the "Regime" and still desperately hopes for it to
> succeed. Voter's remorse will eventually filter-in to his brain,
> altho he'll never admit it.

So true, so very damned true.

Meanwhile, guess who pays the cleanup costs...


Apr 21, 2010, 4:12:07 AM4/21/10
PNAC wanted a "New Pearl Harbor".

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 2:52:28 PM4/21/10
On 4/20/2010 9:12 PM, * US * wrote:
> PNAC wanted


Apr 21, 2010, 3:28:30 PM4/21/10
PNAC wanted a "New Pearl Harbor".

Cheney and Bush have gained a lot from 9/11.

western auto

Apr 21, 2010, 3:34:15 PM4/21/10

Major Debacle

Apr 21, 2010, 5:59:08 PM4/21/10

You gonna step up to the plate, dweeb, or are ya gonna cower like a pansy?
Beer... so much more than a breakfast drink

western auto

Apr 22, 2010, 12:35:45 AM4/22/10

Name, addy. and tel # - NOW, traitor!

western auto

Apr 22, 2010, 12:55:30 AM4/22/10


Apr 22, 2010, 4:42:02 AM4/22/10
PNAC wanted a "New Pearl Harbor".

Cheney and Bush have gained a lot from 9/11.

More than anyone else, actually.


Apr 22, 2010, 4:42:28 AM4/22/10
PNAC wanted a "New Pearl Harbor".

Cheney and Bush have gained a lot from 9/11.

More than anyone else, actually ...

Don't forget: 9/11 was an inside job.

western auto

Apr 22, 2010, 5:36:59 AM4/22/10

western auto

Apr 22, 2010, 5:37:10 AM4/22/10
On 4/21/2010 9:42 PM, * US * wrote:
> Don't forget:



Apr 22, 2010, 12:38:07 PM4/22/10

No one else had the means, motive, and opportunity
of the neocons.


Apr 22, 2010, 12:38:07 PM4/22/10
PNAC wanted a "New Pearl Harbor".

Cheney and Bush have gained a lot from 9/11.

More than anyone else, actually.

Even the most obsequious pawn of the neocons
can't dispute that.

western auto

Apr 22, 2010, 3:05:37 PM4/22/10
On 4/22/2010 5:38 AM, * US * wrote:
> PNAC wanted

<stupid cunt tried to mung the followups again...>

western auto

Apr 22, 2010, 3:06:56 PM4/22/10
On 4/22/2010 5:38 AM, * US * wrote:
> PNAC wanted

<stupid cunt tried to mung the followups again...>



Apr 22, 2010, 4:51:58 PM4/22/10

Means, motive, and opportunity ...


Apr 22, 2010, 4:51:59 PM4/22/10

Even their most desperate pawn can't dispute that.

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