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Re: Mexico says to fight U.S. plan for border wall

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Dec 1, 2005, 7:53:31 PM12/1/05

johnny@. wrote:
> December 1, 2005
> MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will fight proposals to fortify part of
> the U.S.-Mexico border with a high-tech wall, Foreign Minister Luis
> Ernesto Derbez said on Thursday.
> Article Tools
> Concerned about the huge numbers of illegal immigrants streaming across
> the border, and worried it could be an entry point for terrorists, many
> members of the U.S. Congress are backing an idea to erect a Berlin
> Wall-style division along the border.
> Rep. Duncan Hunter, a California Republican who chairs the House Armed
> Services Committee, has proposed building two parallel steel and wire
> fences with a lighted strip in between running from the Gulf of Mexico
> to the Pacific coast.
> "We will use all means necessary, and I am referring to things like
> international tribunals (and other) international action, to make it
> clear that this is not an act that would resolve the migration issue,"
> Derbez said.
> "I guarantee the U.S. government that (a wall) will not stop migrants.
> What will happen is they will climb over it or burrow underneath,"
> Derbez said. "The solution is an agreement to permit legal migration,
> secure and ordered."
> Any one in our government have the balls to tell shitskin Derbez to go fuck himself? Has Taco Breath Bush pushed his Mexican buddies to stop the flow?


Willy Clinton

Dec 1, 2005, 10:15:35 PM12/1/05
Screw the little brown greaseball Mexicans. Let them try to burrow like the
animals they are. Deport them all now, including Phxbrd.

old hoodoo

Dec 1, 2005, 10:28:03 PM12/1/05
to wrote:

The Great Wall of that would be something GBII could hang
his hat on.

Would put a lot of people to work and bring a lot mo' pork to Texas!!

Also a ton of tourists!

I'll bet republican contractors would hire illegal aliens to build it.
How "ironical" :-)

Jim Austin

Dec 1, 2005, 10:35:48 PM12/1/05
old hoodoo wrote:

<Snip> Previous stuff.

> The Great Wall of that would be something GBII could hang
> his hat on.
> Would put a lot of people to work and bring a lot mo' pork to Texas!!
> Also a ton of tourists!
> I'll bet republican contractors would hire illegal aliens to build it.
> How "ironical" :-)

Both the right and left resent illegal aliens.

Those on the right resent illegals who come to our country to get on

Lefties resent illegals who come to our country to work.

Harold McMillian

Dec 2, 2005, 10:39:41 AM12/2/05
If they come to America to work - how come they demand and get free
healthcare? I have to pay $400 a month for my HMO. I have seen
working class Americans having to shovel out $190 at emergency clinics
to see a doctor because they cannot walk into an emergency room and get
it free like Pedro.

Morton Davis

Dec 2, 2005, 10:44:20 AM12/2/05

"Harold McMillian" <> wrote in message

Nice lie you have there.

Dec 2, 2005, 3:28:46 PM12/2/05
Where the hell is Black Jack Pershing now that we REALLY need him?
If Bush had any brains, he'd have invaded the REAL threat to America -
Mexico, not Iraq! Mexico has done more damage to America through mass
illegal invasion - the huge costs of school, health care,
incarceration, etc. necessitated by all their illegals coming here to
be a sub-underclass here - than Saddam Hussein ever could have hoped

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!


Dec 2, 2005, 8:02:30 PM12/2/05
Because the liberals have intimidated doctors and hospitals with
lawsuits on behalf of the illegal aliens. Maricopa County doesn't even
mail a bill to anyone with an Hispanic name that hasn't paid. It isn't
worth the cost for what they collect.


Dec 2, 2005, 8:09:08 PM12/2/05
Yeah, the nerve of the guy. Every illegal alien I know carries Blue
Cross/Blue Shield standard option, and pays their deductibles in gold
dust. Sometimes Hispanic organizations even make large donations to our
hospitals to help defray the high cost of treating white middle class
citizens. Mexican President Vincente Fox annually budgets millions of
dollars to hospitals in the United States because poor ignorant
American white blue collar workers can't afford care, and he feels their
Is that what you wanted to read, stupid? Fucking idiot.


Dec 3, 2005, 4:11:39 AM12/3/05

"Morton Davis" <> wrote in message

Sorry, Mort, but he's right. The federal government picks up 95% of illegal
aliens medical expenses.

RD (The Sandman)

Dec 3, 2005, 12:10:48 PM12/3/05
"" <> wrote in

> Where the hell is Black Jack Pershing now that we REALLY need him?
> If Bush had any brains, he'd have invaded the REAL threat to America -
> Mexico, not Iraq!

We already did that once. That is how we got New Mexico, Arizona and
most of California.

> Mexico has done more damage to America through mass
> illegal invasion - the huge costs of school, health care,
> incarceration, etc. necessitated by all their illegals coming here to
> be a sub-underclass here - than Saddam Hussein ever could have hoped
> to!


Sleep well tonight.........RD (The Sandman)

School - Four walls with tomorrow inside.

A real man should have the conviction to hold strong beliefs....
Hmmm, I believe I should have another beer.

RD (The Sandman)

Dec 3, 2005, 12:13:24 PM12/3/05
Lechugon <"azbig guy"> wrote in news:4390EEA6.1000604

Then you need to fix the folks in Maricopa who have no balls. The
problem is that we give emergency care but the feds won't arrest them
until they are released or the feds have to pick up the bill.

> It isn't
> worth the cost for what they collect.

The feds already owe Arizona a billion or so.

RD (The Sandman)

Dec 3, 2005, 12:14:21 PM12/3/05
"Scout" <> wrote in

It owes it, it does not necessarily pay it.


Dec 3, 2005, 4:01:55 PM12/3/05

"RD (The Sandman)" <rdsandman@(spamlock)> wrote in message

> "Scout" <> wrote in
>> "Morton Davis" <> wrote in message
>> news:oZZjf.594939$_o.236642@attbi_s71...
>>> "Harold McMillian" <> wrote in message
>>>> If they come to America to work - how come they demand and get free
>>>> healthcare? I have to pay $400 a month for my HMO. I have seen
>>>> working class Americans having to shovel out $190 at emergency
>>>> clinics to see a doctor because they cannot walk into an emergency
>>>> room and get it free like Pedro.
>>> Nice lie you have there.
>> Sorry, Mort, but he's right. The federal government picks up 95% of
>> illegal aliens medical expenses.
> It owes it, it does not necessarily pay it.

Well, be that as it may, all I can say is that by personal experience I can
testify that neither the alien nor his employer paid for the medical
expenses that were incurred by an on the job injury. So however it works out
it means everyone else is paying for it, either through increased medical
costs, or taxes to the federal government, but they are paying for it.

Morton Davis

Dec 3, 2005, 7:06:51 PM12/3/05

"Scout" <> wrote in message
However, most of the people who get free health care are white Americans.

RD (The Sandman)

Dec 4, 2005, 11:50:16 AM12/4/05
"Scout" <> wrote in

Yep, that is how emergency care is handled in this country. Same would
go for a citizen with no insurance and chainsaw damage.


Dec 4, 2005, 12:00:16 PM12/4/05

"RD (The Sandman)" <rdsandman@(spamlock)> wrote in message

No, you would get a bill.......The employer was attempting to pay, and the
hospital refused to accept anything more than a nominal couple of dollars
because the federal government was paying the rest of the tab. If this was
the case for everyone then why did I have to pay over $2,000 for my last
emergency room visit?

Morton Davis

Dec 4, 2005, 12:34:44 PM12/4/05

"RD (The Sandman)" <rdsandman@(spamlock)> wrote in message

Same goes for a meth lab chemist who gets blown through the melted plastic
sheeting of the lab and arives at the hospittal shrink wrapped with second
and third degree burns. The doctors have to chip the hardened plastic off
before they can treat the burns and then the hospital spends up to $500K on
treatment - including plastic surgery, for which Medicaid pays an average of

RD (The Sandman)

Dec 5, 2005, 12:06:39 PM12/5/05
"Scout" <> wrote in

Getting a bill for emergency service does not mean you will go to jail if
you can't pay it.

......The employer was attempting to pay, and
> the hospital refused to accept anything more than a nominal couple of
> dollars because the federal government was paying the rest of the tab.

I rather doubt your anecdote since most border states are *NOT* getting
recompensated by the federal government. That is one major reason why
you have this group of governors protesting to Bush.

> If this was the case for everyone then why did I have to pay over
> $2,000 for my last emergency room visit?

You have a job and a source of income?


Dec 5, 2005, 7:56:29 PM12/5/05

"RD (The Sandman)" <rdsandman@(spamlock)> wrote in message

No, but that's a bit different than being told you only owe a very small
total of the bill.

> ......The employer was attempting to pay, and
>> the hospital refused to accept anything more than a nominal couple of
>> dollars because the federal government was paying the rest of the tab.
> I rather doubt your anecdote since most border states are *NOT* getting
> recompensated by the federal government. That is one major reason why
> you have this group of governors protesting to Bush.

Happened in a Northern Virginia Hospital.

>> If this was the case for everyone then why did I have to pay over
>> $2,000 for my last emergency room visit?
> You have a job and a source of income?

So did the illegal alien and his employer.

RD (The Sandman)

Dec 7, 2005, 12:02:13 PM12/7/05

Dec 7, 2005, 1:59:13 PM12/7/05
The story related, where the feds were footing the bill, but the alien
and employer wanted to pay goes to my solution.

Simply build the wall......

Along the southern border of Panama, between what will become the US by
annexation and the country of Columbia.

Would solve many of the same problems that existed prior to the
annexation of what we now refer to as Southern Californa, parts of
Nevada, all of NM, Arizona, etc.

The argument?

Compare the quality of life each side of that artificially created

I'd say Mexico would make about four or five fair sized states.

The politicians, in both would love it. The business people would
hoorah, and I could get turkey tamales without the hassle of having to
leave the country.

I also would like to free my northern brothers and sisters. They make a
fair beer or two. And we could put and end to their oppressive
socialism, gun banning balony, and in addition all pretend we speak
french and talk with a great fake french canadian accent. Bought time
the Arcadians reconnected.

Then, we can solved the problem of everyone in south america not having
been president yet. The United States of he Americas. Has a nice ring,
no? Si, Oui. Yahsureyoubetcha. Right on Man, Sheet yeah. DaKine Brah.

Imagine the menu in a restaurant that advertises, Authentic American

I would lobby for the new acronym to replace USA being USAS.

Sure sounds like us.

You think I'm joking, dontcha? R R R R RR .

Hell, I'm such an imperialist I'll go for that last bastion of
american-free civilization hotsprings loving island peoples in our
ocean......Iceland. Dirty american imperialist running dog that I am.

Mine, aaaal mine.

Q{:o }


Dec 7, 2005, 3:17:15 PM12/7/05
I don't know what state the writer is in but here in Ca., No insurance = No
service illegal or not at most Emergency Rooms. If its not life threatening
you will be referred to the local county hospital.

You cannot blame all of the pricing on the illegals, although they factor
into it. Pharmaceutical, equipment suppliers, insurance, medical staff
salaries all go into the mix.

The insurance companies themselves are turning a huge profit. You just cant
blame one thing..

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