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Stereoscopic views of Ayrshire - information requested

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Oct 14, 2023, 8:26:30 AM10/14/23
to Ayrshire History
I am a collector of old photographs specialising in stereoscopy (3D) images, which were the best -selling format of photograph around 1860. I have written a book called "Scotland in 3D - A Victorian Virtual Reality Tour" ISBN 9781527225527 which provides much detail on the topic , also see
I am interested in stereoviews of Ayrshire, as I am originally from West Kilbride. In particular, there are 2 series of views dating to late 1850s, early 1860s which are excellent, but unfortunately I have not been able to identify the photographer. If anyone knows anything about them could you please get in touch.
The first series is entitled "Views of the Land of Burns". It includes some remarkable images like the one outside Burns Cottage attached. A typical label is attached (from a view of Culzean) attached as well.
The second series is called "Views in Ayrshire" - there is a similar series probably by the same photographer entitled "Views in Dumfriesshire".  Typical label attached.
I hope that someone has some insights into these series.
All the best
Peter BlairViews of the Land of Burns - 1 Burns Cottage.jpgViews in Ayrshire - 9 Cubes Glen on the Lugar (No 2 - with group) rear.jpgViews of the Land of Burns - Culzean Castle 2 rear.jpg

Richard Templeton

Oct 14, 2023, 4:09:04 PM10/14/23
Hello from Annapolis Maryland. I have a fine100 year old stereoscope but only a couple of images of WWI.
I collect cameras, mostly Kodak. My connection to Ayrshire is that my family name, Templeton, originates there. 
I have Kirk records of my Templetons from the mid 1600's albeit the name is 13th century Ayrshire. 
I have read several Ayrshire social histories and modern books and I have a small collection of older Ayr and Ayrshire books.
I just spent 5 days in Ayr this recent September and plan to make it a month-long visit in the future.
If anyone has any Templeton ancestry, I would love to hear from you. 
Sounds like you have a nice collection. I will try to get your book.
All the best,
Richard Templeton
PS: Forward this to anyone you like.

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Peter3D Blair

Oct 17, 2023, 4:22:00 AM10/17/23
Good luck with your research Richard
You should find my book on Amazon if you would like a copy - I like selling directly but can not compete with them on shipping costs, so they work out cheaper for you!
Peter Blair

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Oct 17, 2023, 8:00:30 AM10/17/23
Thanks! I sent friends your email and website.

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On Oct 17, 2023, at 4:22 AM, Peter3D Blair <> wrote:

Peter Blair
<Views of the Land of Burns - 1 Burns Cottage.jpg>
<Views in Ayrshire - 9 Cubes Glen on the Lugar (No 2 - with group) rear.jpg>
<Views of the Land of Burns - Culzean Castle 2 rear.jpg>

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H Dods

Oct 19, 2023, 8:28:53 AM10/19/23

I think the Templetons’s had a carpet factory in Ayr or Ayrshire


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Richard Templeton

Oct 19, 2023, 9:31:48 AM10/19/23
Carpet in Glasgow, wool in Ayr/Shire. You can google! Thanks! 

Lorraine Holmes

Oct 19, 2023, 10:45:48 AM10/19/23
Hi  the Templeton carpet factory was in Glasgow l  near the peoples palace. It still stands today but no longer a carpet factory.
Think it's mainly offices in there now.

Richard Templeton

Oct 19, 2023, 11:39:34 AM10/19/23
Yes!  An Italianate box! required by the city to be culturally attractive. Thanks!

Leigh Hart

Oct 20, 2023, 5:00:15 AM10/20/23
Good day Richard,

I don't think I have a relationship with Templetons but I do believe there was a family connection.

My ancestor, John Hart & family, came to Australia in 1853. John was  shown in the 1841 and 1851 census' as resident at
Wrighthill, on top of the hill above the Skeldon mill. He is variously shown as a Wright, Joiner & Carpenter, Engineer &
Machine Maker. He had two apprentices resident in 1841, one in 1851 and at least one other employee.

His ninth child, born in February 1850, was named David Templeton Hart. 

This seems more than a coincidence if we note that "David Templeton was tenant of the mill in 1851." and in 1837 "'At Nethermill, 
on the river Doon, there is a woollen manufactory [Skeldon Mill], carried on by Mr William Templeton, a gentleman of great 
ingenuity and success, with respect to machinery. In the course of last year, Mr Templeton introduced gas light into his mill, 
which is of the greatest consequence and comfort to the workers.'  

Please see map and parts 1 and 4) in this link:

I believe there must have been some connection between Templeton and Hart at this time, but I have nothing to substantiate it.
I haven't found any David's or Templetons in the preceding two generations of Hart so I feel there must be something other than
familial tradition as the cause of his name. Maybe John Hart worked with the mill to some noticeable level.

The 1855 Ordnance Survey book shows both the Skeldon mill and Wrighthill with Mrs.Leslie Cunningham as the Proprietor, along
with much of the surrounding land. I guess John and David were tenants of the Cunningham family.

Wrighthill was described as "a small Cothouse one storey high slated & in good repair. Probably so called from the circumstance of
it having been built & presently occupied by a Joiner, or Wright." 

Would be pleased to hear if you have anything that might shed any light, if the Dalrymple Templetons are related to you.

Agree a month in the area would be good ! I had only the briefest of time there.


Leigh Hart

From: <> on behalf of Richard Templeton <>
Sent: Sunday, 15 October 2023 5:58 AM
To: <>

Subject: Re: [Ayrshire History] Stereoscopic views of Ayrshire - information requested

Oct 20, 2023, 9:42:58 AM10/20/23
Dear Leigh,
Thanks for the items! There are 26k Templetons in the world, half presumably women, 16k in USA and 1400 in Scotland. I have Kirk records to the 1600’s of my Templetons who came to America in 1865. In June I sent 60 letters to Templetons in the Ayrshire directory (copied in the Carnegie library in Ayr 4 years ago) and got 8 responses with no direct connections. Wool/carpet Templeton tombstones in churchyard in Ayr. Happy sleuthing! 
All the Best,

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 20, 2023, at 5:00 AM, Leigh Hart <> wrote:

Peter Blair
<Views of the Land of Burns - 1 Burns Cottage.jpg>
<Views in Ayrshire - 9 Cubes Glen on the Lugar (No 2 - with group) rear.jpg>
<Views of the Land of Burns - Culzean Castle 2 rear.jpg>

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H Dods

Oct 20, 2023, 10:31:13 AM10/20/23

Thanks for correct information.


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