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Re: Jean F Stoddart Barbieston: The Story of an Ayrshire Hamlet.

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Derek Thom

Nov 25, 2020, 8:27:17 AM11/25/20
to Ayrshire History
Hello everyone,

I just wondered whether Jean was still around. Her booklet was very helpful in consolidating/validating  information I too had gathered with reference to early THOMs in the that area of Ayrshire.

I recently came across a THOM (Tam) family living at Drumsuy in Coylton parish pre the OPR years and just wanted to tell her.

Dr. Jenny Blain transcribed some very  difficult to read OPR records from neighbouring Ochiltree parish for me via the Ayrshire IO group on Google.  I found a Charles Tam having a son Johne baptised on 14 June 1671 in Ochiltree and a son Archbald (9 January 1681) also baptised in Ochiltree but the father Charles Tam was listed as being of "Drwmswy of Coiltown" i.e. Drumsuy of neighbouring Coylton Parish.  Although there may have been a later unrecorded generation this family,  Archibald (1681) in particular, may well be linked to my earliest relations John Thom and Jean Fergusson of Coylton. A McLatchy family living in nearby Drongan may also be  linked.

Charles Tam may have had a relation, called Johne Tam(e), who was living at Bardaroch very close by but in Ochiltree parish.Johne first married a Margrat Millikine in Ochiltree in 1669 and then a Jean Robb  in 1773 also in Ochiltree. That Johne may be local to Ayrshire but I cannot locate information to prove that.

I doubt whether I will ever get  further with the Drumsuy Thom(Tam) family but I haven't given up hope ! If anyone has contact details for Jean or recognises these names and can add more please get in touch.


Nov 26, 2020, 9:34:34 AM11/26/20
I have posted on Ayr
shire site, for information on Thoms. On a bus trip to Ayr one day  after Ochiltree my dad pointed to a road to the right and said his cousin John Thom had an hotel up there. I have been trying to find out more and make connection in family tree. Dad was Hazle his mother a Clowes and her.mother Cumming. Drawn a blank here. Happy If you have any info.  Dad born 1909 do John Thom around that date. Regards Eleanor

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Derek Thom

Apr 26, 2022, 4:41:41 AM4/26/22
to Ayrshire History
Just a correction to a rather obvious error I'm afraid - The marriage of Johne Tam(Tame) to Jean Rob was 1673. Jeans origins vary from  being born in Govan c1660 (no evidence) to being  baptised 23 Nov 1647, West Calder, Midlothian, Scotland. I'm currently trying to match DNA with others researching these early Tam persons but no joy thus far.


Apr 26, 2022, 9:25:35 AM4/26/22
Hi, I was interested in the Thom connection in our family, more recent times. In the 50s Dad was taking me to Ayr  in the bus from Muikirk.  I can remember somewhere past Ochiltree he pointed up a  road to the right and said his cousin John Thom had an hotel up there. My dad was a Hazle his mother  Jessie Clowes from Ochiltree. Granddad came from Stair. My siblings don't remember anything about this. Interested to see if you can throw some light on this. Regards Helen

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-------- Original message --------
From: Derek Thom <>
Date: 26/04/2022 09:41 (GMT+00:00)
To: Ayrshire History <>
Subject: [Ayrshire History] Re: Jean F Stoddart Barbieston: The Story of an Ayrshire Hamlet.

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Irene Macleod

Nov 12, 2024, 5:15:48 AM11/12/24
to Ayrshire History
I was friends with Jean Stoddart. I’ve got a copy of her book “Barbieston - the story of an Ayrshire hamlet” Woild anyone like it?


Nov 12, 2024, 8:34:50 AM11/12/24
Hi, I had been trying to trace a john Thom from that area. He was a cousin of my dad's and dad john Hazle was born 1909. On a visit to Ayr whe I was young, I remember dad pointing to a road to the right, off the main Ochiltree/Ayr road. He said he had a cousin John Thom who had an hotel up that road. I have never been able to find out about the hotel or make the connections with the Thoms. I think somewhere in the family tree a relation did marry a Thom. 

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-------- Original message --------
From: Irene Macleod <>
Date: 12/11/2024 10:15 (GMT+00:00)
To: Ayrshire History <>
Subject: [Ayrshire History] Re: Jean F Stoddart Barbieston: The Story of an Ayrshire Hamlet.

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