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Researching Robert Ralston b 1798 Ayr

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Bob Wilesmith

Nov 11, 2023, 8:07:29 AM11/11/23
to Ayrshire History
Son of Robert Ralston and Janet Eaten or Eaton Shipbuilder younger sibling of Susan/Susanna b 1795. Their first born Robert b 1791 died in 1797 and was buried in Toxteth Park Cemetary consequently the name was re used for the next male child;

His Father re married in 1803 to Jean Simpson possibly after his first wife died, I have a possible birth of Robert snr in 1763 at Monkton Prestwick Father Alexander.
It is interesting to note , an Alexander Ralston born Abt 1803 maker of Block Pulley married in Liverpool and resided in Toxteth Park in 1841 the family line continues for several generations:
Any assistance would be appreciated:
Regards Bob Wilesmith Weston NSW Australia 
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