I am the author of the original posting on the Ayrshire History
St. Andrews Home, Millport
I am seeking information regarding St Andrews Home, a convalescent
hopsital in Millport, which was opened sometime in the late 1930's and
closed in the early 1950's. As a young 7 year old I spent 2 years in
that establishment with suspected TB.
I have now, I suspect rather belatedly, discovered the undernoted
>From Bill Braniff, 6 Jan 05: My Auntie Nan was in Millport Sanatorium
in the 40s and I would be interested in any information anyone has on
this place.
>From Margaret Murphy, 17 June 2006: was patient in St. Andrews
MILLPORT in the early 1950's looking for info of actual site. Spent 2
yrs there until it closed.
>From Donald Manson, 30 March 2006: I have an uncle who died there in
August 1939 from TB. I recall on a visit to Millport some years ago
going to the local library where I found the location of the hospital.
The library also had photographs of the home. The original boundary
wall still exist but there is now a housing development on the land.
Can you tell me if there is any way I could make contact with any of
the above ?
Jim Davidson
hello Jim,
Email addresses were never posted on the site for reasons of
confidentiality, and I cannot retrieve them that far back. This was
one of the reasons for setting up the AH Google Group - members can
contact each other directly. My hope is that over a period of a year
or so, enough people will join to make it really useful. If you post
your interest in the home in the group it may come to the attention of
the any or all of the three who responded to your original enquiry.
Allternatively I could post your enquiry and all of the responses to a
new page in the group.
Have you looked at the Largs and Millport newspaper (I forget the rest
of the title), the archives of which are in the Largs Museum? There is
an printed index (I know there is a copy in the Carnegie Library in
best wishes,
Hi David
Thanks for your reply. I would appreciate it if you could post my
enquiry and responses in the new page of the AH Google Group.
I did try Carnegie Library some years ago for information but did not
not gain much satisfaction, although I will now ask about the Largs
and Millport newspaper,
Thanks again
On 6 Apr 2021, at 09:01, rhona scally <rhona...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everybody. I know I’m coming to you years after the original posts so please bear with me 😊
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Yours was the only response. My family all originated from the Gemmell family that settled in Ayrshire in the 1100’s…..I believe back to the Temple House Gemmells. I was hoping to find out about any history that involved the Gemmells.
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