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St Andrews Home, Millport

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Stephen R

Apr 23, 2016, 1:11:05 PM4/23/16
to Ayrshire History
Hello everyone! Trying desperately to find any information on St Andrews Home for my grandfather, who was a patient there as a boy. I can normally find out everything about anything after a 30 minute search but my Google-Fu is drawing a blank apart from a news article stating the place closed down.
As far as I can tell, it was on the grounds of the Cathedral of The Isles, College Street and existed alongside the hospital for everything non-TB related. That is to say, this hospital was only for the treatment of TB. I am looking for photos, maps and ideas as to where I could find the dates my Granda stayed there. Would I contact the NHS or Ayrshire council to find the dates he lived there?

Deborah Rea

Apr 24, 2016, 9:11:32 AM4/24/16
​Hi Stephen,

I didn't realise that you had given your personal email address onto your Ayrshirehistory google groups.  I have sent you a couple of emails to that site.    Here are some other links.


Debbie Rea

On 24 April 2016 at 10:56, Deborah Rea <> wrote:
Hi again,

So far, the only thing mention about St. Andrew's Home was that a Dr. Paul was associated with it.  However, I've just noticed that Thomas Shields, my 2nd cousin 2x removed was a member of the town council from 1947-1951 and then also from 1955-1961.  Looking at the the Cathedral of the Isles information they is no information at all about St. Andrews.  

I think your best bet is to contact Hazel Mendizes at the North Ayrshire Heritage Centre in Saltcoats -

Hope this helps a little?

Debbie Rea

On 23 April 2016 at 11:55, Stephen R <> wrote:
Hello everyone! Trying desperately to find any information on St Andrews Home for my grandfather, who was a patient there as a boy. I can normally find out everything about anything after a 30 minute search but my Google-Fu is drawing a blank apart from a news article stating the place closed down.
As far as I can tell, it was on the grounds of the Cathedral of The Isles, College Street and existed alongside the hospital for everything non-TB related. That is to say, this hospital was only for the treatment of TB. I am looking for photos, maps and ideas as to where I could find the dates my Granda stayed there. Would I contact the NHS or Ayrshire council to find the dates he lived there?

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St. Andrews, Millport.jpg

Deborah Rea

Apr 24, 2016, 9:11:54 AM4/24/16

Hi Stephen,

I have a book called Millport and the Cumbraes: A History and Guide by J.R.D. Campbell.  I will see if St. Andrews is mention.  My third cousin lives on the island and several of our ancestors lived there.


Debbie Rea

On 23 Apr 2016 18:11, "Stephen R" <> wrote:
Hello everyone! Trying desperately to find any information on St Andrews Home for my grandfather, who was a patient there as a boy. I can normally find out everything about anything after a 30 minute search but my Google-Fu is drawing a blank apart from a news article stating the place closed down.
As far as I can tell, it was on the grounds of the Cathedral of The Isles, College Street and existed alongside the hospital for everything non-TB related. That is to say, this hospital was only for the treatment of TB. I am looking for photos, maps and ideas as to where I could find the dates my Granda stayed there. Would I contact the NHS or Ayrshire council to find the dates he lived there?


Deborah Rea

Apr 24, 2016, 9:11:54 AM4/24/16
Hi again,

So far, the only thing mention about St. Andrew's Home was that a Dr. Paul was associated with it.  However, I've just noticed that Thomas Shields, my 2nd cousin 2x removed was a member of the town council from 1947-1951 and then also from 1955-1961.  Looking at the the Cathedral of the Isles information they is no information at all about St. Andrews.  

I think your best bet is to contact Hazel Mendizes at the North Ayrshire Heritage Centre in Saltcoats -

Hope this helps a little?

Debbie Rea
On 23 April 2016 at 11:55, Stephen R <> wrote:
Hello everyone! Trying desperately to find any information on St Andrews Home for my grandfather, who was a patient there as a boy. I can normally find out everything about anything after a 30 minute search but my Google-Fu is drawing a blank apart from a news article stating the place closed down.
As far as I can tell, it was on the grounds of the Cathedral of The Isles, College Street and existed alongside the hospital for everything non-TB related. That is to say, this hospital was only for the treatment of TB. I am looking for photos, maps and ideas as to where I could find the dates my Granda stayed there. Would I contact the NHS or Ayrshire council to find the dates he lived there?


John White

Apr 5, 2018, 4:28:31 AM4/5/18
to Ayrshire History
My uncle Kenneth Manson was there in the 1930s suffering from T.B. he died there in 1939 and I have in my possession a very kind letter from Dr Paul to my grandmother expressing his condolences. Alas I've tried to find photos of the home for the family history I'm putting together but with no success.

Deborah Rea

Apr 9, 2018, 4:08:23 AM4/9/18
A little more information for you both

Debbie Rea

On Thursday, 4 December 2008 20:47:33 UTC, David McClure wrote:
I have received the following message from Liz Elvey. 
David McClure. 

Hi Jim I have just learned today that my uncle died in St Andrews Home 
in August 1945. He was in the RAF and I had assumed that he died in a 
military hospital. Was St.Andrews taken over by the military at this 
time? I am no longer living in Scotland, though was until last year. 
Unfortunately I cannot get to records now so would be very grateful 
for any information. I spent holidays in Millport as a child and took 
my own family there without realising the connection. best wishes Liz 

The following is the earlier discussion from the Ayrshire History 

> I am the author of the original posting on the Ayrshire History 
> website. 
> St. Andrews Home, Millport 
> I am seeking information regarding St Andrews Home, a convalescent 
> hopsital in Millport, which was opened sometime in the late 1930's and 
> closed in the early 1950's. As a young 7 year old I spent 2 years in 
> that establishment with suspected TB. 
> I have now, I suspect rather belatedly, discovered the undernoted 
> responses.>From Bill Braniff, 6 Jan 05: My Auntie Nan was in Millport Sanatorium 
> in the 40s and I would be interested in any information anyone has on 
> this place.>From Margaret Murphy, 17 June 2006: was patient in St. Andrews 
> MILLPORT in the early 1950's looking for info of actual site. Spent 2 
> yrs there until it closed.>From Donald Manson, 30 March 2006: I have an uncle who died there in 
> August 1939 from TB. I recall on a visit to Millport some years ago 
> going to the local library where I found the location of the hospital. 
> The library also had photographs of the home. The original boundary 
> wall still exist but there is now a housing development on the land. 
> Can you tell me if there is any way I could make contact with any of 
> the above ? 
> Jim Davidson 
> hello Jim, 
> Email addresses were never posted on the site for reasons of 
> confidentiality, and I cannot retrieve them that far back. This was 
> one of the reasons for setting up the AH Google Group - members can 
> contact each other directly. My hope is that over a period of a year 
> or so, enough people will join to make it really useful. If you post 
> your interest in the home in the group it may come to the attention of 
> the any or all of the three who responded to your original enquiry. 
> Allternatively I could post your enquiry and all of the responses to a 
> new page in the group. 
> Have you looked at the Largs and Millport newspaper (I forget the rest 
> of the title), the archives of which are in the Largs Museum? There is 
> an printed index (I know there is a copy in the Carnegie Library in 
> Ayr). 
> best wishes, 
> David. 
> Hi David 
> Thanks for your reply. I would appreciate it if you could post my 
> enquiry and responses in the new page of the AH Google Group. 
> I did try Carnegie Library some years ago for information but did not 
> not gain much satisfaction, although I will now ask about the Largs 
> and Millport newspaper, 
> Thanks again 
> Jim 

On 6 April 2018 at 23:39, Deborah Rea <> wrote:
​ John and Stephen R.

I found the following information on St. Andrew's Home, Millport - ​  I also have found a photo of the home in Millport and the Cumbraes: A History and Guide written by J.R.D. Campbell.  If you'd like to send me your email address I can send you the photo of the home and the front cover of the booklet which I purchased from Saltcoats (North Ayrshire Family History - which has now been transferred to Irvine) a couple of years ago.  This was printed by Largs Printing Company (  

​There is an Appendix on p. 103 which shows extracts from Minutes of the Town Council from 5th May 1864 to 15th May 1975; there is mention of a hospital six approved on March 8th which was later referred to as Lady Margaret Hospital.  Could it have been renamed as St. Andrew's?  Also on p. 119 it talks about St. Andrew's Home to close  decision of Department of Health for Scotland​ - this decision was on April 13th 1953.


Debbie Rea

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Debbie Rea

Deborah Rea

Apr 9, 2018, 4:08:23 AM4/9/18
​ John and Stephen R.

I found the following information on St. Andrew's Home, Millport - ​  I also have found a photo of the home in Millport and the Cumbraes: A History and Guide written by J.R.D. Campbell.  If you'd like to send me your email address I can send you the photo of the home and the front cover of the booklet which I purchased from Saltcoats (North Ayrshire Family History - which has now been transferred to Irvine) a couple of years ago.  This was printed by Largs Printing Company (  

​There is an Appendix on p. 103 which shows extracts from Minutes of the Town Council from 5th May 1864 to 15th May 1975; there is mention of a hospital six approved on March 8th which was later referred to as Lady Margaret Hospital.  Could it have been renamed as St. Andrew's?  Also on p. 119 it talks about St. Andrew's Home to close  decision of Department of Health for Scotland​ - this decision was on April 13th 1953.


Debbie Rea

On Thu, 5 Apr 2018, 09:28 John White, <> wrote:

Neil Rodger

May 24, 2020, 4:35:14 AM5/24/20
to Ayrshire History
Hello Everyone. I came across your chat about St Andrews Home or Hospital in Millport. I have had an interest in St Andrews Home since I began researching my family tree as Dr Herbert Paul was my great uncle. I don’t remember much about him. I do remember visiting him at his home in bed as he was very ill and he died shortly after the Hospital closed because a cure for tuberculosis had been found
My maternal grandmother was his sister and he had another sister Lizzie Paul who lived in Millport and was a teacher at the local school. I myself, along with my brother and parents holidayed in Millport from about 1950 to 1969 when Dr Paul’s wife, Margaret or Meg as we knew her died. I have some photos of St Andrews Home, a Magazine that was produced for the patients, and a short video from the family of a colleague of Herbert Paul who also worked at the Hospital, Dr Honeyman. J R D Campbell’s book is very informative, if you can find a copy as it shows St Andrews Home and staff etc. I obtained one from A Craig bookshop.The home was demolished and the Catholic Church is now in its place. If you need any more info, I may be able to help. By the way St Margaret’s hospital Is a different building altogether. 

On Saturday, 23 April 2016 18:11:05 UTC+1, Stephen R wrote:

rhona scally

Mar 31, 2021, 11:56:12 AM3/31/21
to Ayrshire History

Hi there. I’ve just discovered this thread and hope I can get some help/ insight into St Andrew’s Home. I was born and brought up in Millport and am now part of a local Heritage group who are collating information on various local history threads. We are hoping that through time we will be able to present these as part of our ( hopefully) soon to funded Heritage Centre, which will be in the basement of our Town Hall which is being renovated at the moment. 
My task is to find out more about St Andrew’s home, how it began and ended, and in particular stories from those who were patients there. My mother, who is now in her 97th year, was a nursing orderly there and has a few tales to tell, but sadly her memory is getting poor. Can anybody help me with photographs or can help me access plans etc? Any stories from patients families would be very much appreciated, especially those from patients who were children in the home. Thank you so much
Rhona Scally 

Neil Rodger

Apr 1, 2021, 4:00:35 AM4/1/21

Hi Rhona, I only have snippets of St Andrews home, some photos and a little video. Records of this hospital seem to have disappeared. It started before the 2nd world war in 1925 when my great uncle Dr J Herbert Paul joined the doctors practice in Millport and closed in 1952 I believe. What I do have you are welcome to copies. To be honest, it’s all in JRD Campbell’s book, “Some Cumbrae Yesterdays” and I will be surprised if there are not copies on the island. It has a whole chapter on St Andrews Home, including photos of the lay out and staff, and snippets of the hospital magazine with contributions and stories from the patients. That will be a good place to start. It was produced by the Cumbrae Historical Society and if it is still in existence I’m sure they will have a copy. Let me know how you get on. Yours Neil


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rhona scally

Apr 1, 2021, 4:35:23 AM4/1/21
Hi there and thanks for this. My mum actually gave Mr Campbell the magazines from the home and some of the photos. I have a copy of the book. I was hoping that things may have moved on and more info might be out there. I’ve got a video from YouTube showing another similar hospital and children having casts fitted. Those wee ones were so stoic it looks like an awful process. I can forward it to you if you like ? Dr Paul is still very highly regarded in Millport - he’s a bit of a local legend 😊
Best regards

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Neil Rodger

Apr 1, 2021, 8:07:16 AM4/1/21

Hi Rhona, Thanks for all that. I don’t think we as a family appreciated how much Uncle Herbert was thought of, and as I said I was only 6 when he died.  I have to say however that I followed his footsteps and went into medicine, as  did my mother’s brother Walter Allan. The house the Pauls , Herbert and Meg,  lived in for a while ( and I think had a surgery in it) – Kersland- is still in family hands. My cousin Doug Allan has it now.

I think you have as much , if not more info on St Andrews Home than I have! I would like to see the video you mention. Is it available on Youtube? I could copy some of the video I have of Uncle Herbert with Dr Honeyman showing the hospital briefly and some of old Millport. Dr Honeyman was a bit of a socialite and was in charge of Glasgow museums for a while. The video contains Uncle Herbert being helped up the steps of Harry Lauder’s house, also at his home  Clifton and in the grounds of the hospital. It was given to the Scottish Screen Archive by the Honeyman Family, and my cousin Anne, who was also very keen on Millport and had a house there, but who sadly died in 2010, found out about it and sent copies to all her cousins I think!

Good to communicate with you. Best Wishes, Neil

Ian Toone

Apr 1, 2021, 5:04:52 PM4/1/21
to Ayrshire History
Hi Rhona,
I have a postcard from a former resident of St Andrew's Home dated 29th March 1940. It was written by a William Coburn and addressed to Chick Henderson c/o Joe Loss, Empire Theatre Glasgow. He was requesting Chick's autograph. In the postcard William mentions having been at St Andrew's for a year and a half to two years undergoing treatment for a disease to his hip and was expecting to be there another six months. I actually have it listed on Ebay right now under musical memorabilia (since Chick Henderson was quite famous at that time and was performing with Joe Loss) with a scan of front and back and you can see an image at

rhona scally

Apr 7, 2021, 4:43:39 AM4/7/21
to Ayrshire History
Hi there. I’m researching St Andrew’s Home as part of a newly formed Heritage group. We are mostly local to Millport and are hoping to collate stories and histories, backed up with photographs,video footage, plans letters etc My mother worked in the home until it closed in 1953 and still at 96 has happy memories of it. 
I was wondering if you would be willing to let me have a copy of Dr Paul’s letter? He is still remembered here and so well thought of.  Have a staff photo from 1952 I would happily share with you. Not in great condition I’m waiting for a photography shop to open so that I can have it re done.  
Best wishes
Rhona Scally 

Rob Nielsen

Apr 7, 2021, 5:13:09 PM4/7/21
Walker / Gemmell/Dalry / 
Looking for ancestral generations preceding their Births Resided in Dalry before they immigrated to USA. I Have a Scotland's people that ID Robert's family thru Grandparents Robert Walker 1770–1845 Margaret McDonald 1775– Robert Paden “Fisters” Walker Coal Miner B:14 Nov 1833 ToronYard Toll, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland D:26 SEP 1909 Braidwood, Will, Illinois, USA Marriage 9 Sept 1854 • Dalry, Ayrshire Lillias "Lillie" Kilpatrick (1835–1908) Lillias "Lillie" Kilpatrick 1835–1908 BIRTH 30 NOV 1835 • Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland DEATH 27 SEP 1908 • South Wilmington, Grundy County, Illinois, United States of America 2nd great-grandmother When Lillias "Lillie" Kilpatrick was born on November 30, 1835, in Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland, her father, James, was 36, and her mother, Anne Haddow, was 36. Any Ancestry on her side of family anyone can share?? Thanks Rob N Looking for Ancestors that precede My ggrandfather. Census says William was born in Ireland as was Agnes. No Idea where. Finding nothing in Irish records, do not know where to start (Antrim??) Robert Alexander (Coal Miner) was born on October 24, 1873, Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland the son of Agnes Gemmell and William Alexander. He married Lizzie Walker in 1903 in Grundy, Illinois. Elizabeth Walker and he had one daughter together. He died on January 9, 1941, in South Wilmington, Illinois, at the age of 67, and was buried in Braceville, Illinois. Thanks, Robert G Nielsen. I have a number of Photos. Email:

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Lindsey Cadbury

Oct 23, 2023, 11:38:48 AM10/23/23
to Ayrshire History
Sorry I should have said the dates my grandparents (George and Marjorie Summers, nee Cameron) lived on Millport was between 1931 and 1939, my father (also George Summers, born 1932) spent the first 7 years of his life there. I would also be very interested in seeing more information. My grandmother kept some scrap books and I have her photograph albums from that time of golf, Regattas, Cumbrae cup as well as St Andrews which I am happy to share.
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