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James Ralston Esq Lowerhill Kilmarnock

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Bob Wilesmith

Dec 20, 2023, 3:32:33 AM12/20/23
to Ayrshire History
Scotland, Parish Births & Baptisms 1564 - 1929 shows a Birth of William Ralston of Kilmarnock 1825 Baptise'd on 22 October 1825 To James Ralston Esq and Lilas Smith.
The Ralston Family were well known factors many of whom were associated with the Earls of the era. However I cannot link James to his parents, any assistance would be appreciated.

Ed Brumby

Jan 3, 2024, 3:46:11 AM1/3/24
to Ayrshire History
hi.  thanks for allowing me to join. I am researching William Ralston who bought warwickhill and died 1833. I have a fair amount of data on him. I will look to see how he connects with the other Ralstons posted. it may not be known that he was a corporal in the additional recruits of the 71st Fraser Highland Regiment in 1778. I have studied and written about this regiment for 30 yearse

Bob Wilesmith

Jan 8, 2024, 5:01:47 AM1/8/24
to Ayrshire History
Sorry for the delayed reply we have been subjected to the worst bush fires I have ever seen or been involved with it has been catastrophic with over 14 home's destroyed or badly damaged as a result the amount of infrastructure to be restored is huge i have finally been able to rebuild my study and get all the office equipment back up and running. At least my back up system worked and I was able to save all my research over 30 years worth.
If your William Ralston served in the 71st Frazer Highlanders in 1778 how long did he have to serve to make Corporal ?. I have a William Henry Ralston b 1751 died 11/07/1833 at Warwickhill buried in the Kilmarus Churchyard. His sister Margaret was to marry Duncan McDougal  yet a generation later Esq Alexander McDougal Ralston inherited Warwickhill  his son was Major General William Henry Ralston his grandson was Col William Henry Ralston 1883  -1962 DSO, MC, OBE died in Rhodesia.

 Hope this helps?
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