Hi there I’m looking for any information about children being sent away to be “ looked after” by other families in the 1890’s.
My grandpa, William Kelly was living on Harbour St in the 1880’s( born 1881) By 1891 he was living on a farm in Arran listed as a scholar. The farm had several looked after children staying there.
Sometime between 1911 and 1917 he moved to Millport and married my granny. They had 6 children including my lovely dad. He never told them about any family, saying he was an orphan and had been brought up by 2 aunts in Arran. He clearly remembered them though as he named all his children after members of his family.
Can anybody point me in the right direction for more info? Also looking for a book or books with photos and info about Irvine, Mauchline and Maybole.
Rhona Scally