AXMA Story Maker 5.4

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Apr 24, 2017, 12:10:15 AM4/24/17
to AXMA Story Maker
  • Improvements in the editor
  • Opening files by Drag and Drop
  • Auto-detect media folder
  • Bug fixes

Hanon Ondricek

May 1, 2017, 7:16:45 PM5/1/17
to AXMA Story Maker
Slight bug: In the Windows (English) version I'm having trouble consistently selecting passages by clicking, and the only way I can drag passages is by clicking about a half-inch to the left of it like there's an invisible handle. The Mac (en) version does not have this problem.

Question: When you test-run the game in the IDE by hitting Play, does that also autosave?

I've gotten in the habit of saving before playing, but that might be a good minor update in the next version.

I also had a bit of a problem wrangling media files now that ASM seems to auto-create a "Files" it copying any file I include there, or does it change the media folder every time I browse to a new file?

Hanon Ondricek

May 1, 2017, 7:19:10 PM5/1/17
to AXMA Story Maker
I seem to be still having the bug in Mac and Win EN versions where sounds sometimes randomly repeat, and now background music will sometimes restart from the beginning several minutes into a long clip, even though it's already played more than once without any trouble. 
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