External PostgreSQL requirements

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Andrea T.

Oct 13, 2023, 6:57:51 AM10/13/23
to AWX Project
Hi everyone, 

regarding to the latest AWX and AWX Operator releases, I would like some guidelines on sizing the external PostgreSQL database (in my case on AWS RDS, so number of CPUs, RAM, storage).

Also, can you confirm that the required version of PostgreSQL is version 13?

Thank you in advance.

Daniel Rodriguez

Oct 13, 2023, 7:10:57 AM10/13/23
to awx-p...@googlegroups.com
over the top !!!! :-)
it depends of your usage dear Andrea, it could be hudge if you have an intense production or not, the size of your organization, the number of jobs etc ....
Consider a simple rule 1G for 100 jobs and 1000 hosts per day ....

best regards

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Larry Brigman

Oct 17, 2023, 6:56:53 PM10/17/23
to AWX Project
I have AWX(v23.1.0) running with an external PostgreSQL database using v13.
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