FW: Conveying unexpected and very sad news, the death of Paul Brookes

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David Stephenson

Mar 14, 2022, 1:14:24 PM3/14/22
to avip...@googlegroups.com

I am sure some of you will remember both Paul Brookes and Ray Brough from AVHT days.


Dave Stephenson.


From: Raymond Brough [mailto:rjbro...@gmail.com]
Sent: 14 March 2022 15:36
To: Raymond Brough
Subject: Conveying unexpected and very sad news, the death of Paul Brookes


Hello folks


If any of you are already aware of this unexpected and very sad news, apologies for repeating it.  Please pass it on to others you know who new Paul.


Paul Brookes passed away in hospital, Saturday night 12 March 2022. When I have the details for the funeral, I will convey them to you in a subsequent e-mail.


I totally agree with Paul’s sister Laura who, when writing about Paul in an e-mail,  wrote, “He was a wonderful human being.”


Below, extracts from 2 e-mails I / others received from Laura, giving more details -


Firstly, that sent Sunday 13 March 2022 11:16:


“I am very sorry to have to let you all know that Paul died totally unexpectedly last night.  I am too upset to phone, hence the reason for this email.  He was admitted to hospital with chest pains about lunch time, was reasonably OK when taken up to the ward then appears to have had a sudden cardiac arrest.  Fortunately Christine was able to get to the hospital just in time so he did not die alone.  I take some comfort from knowing that he did not suffer and is now at peace.”


“He was a wonderful human being.”


Secondly, that sent Sunday 13 March 2022 15:20:


“A Redditch friend is organising the funeral and I’ll be in touch when I have details.”


Remembering Paul and for me, reflecting on a 55 year friendship and cherishing many good memories.  RIP Paul.


All the best


Ray Brough


Colin Howard

Mar 14, 2022, 2:58:14 PM3/14/22
to avip...@googlegroups.com

Sorry to have duplicated your post but I did not see it before sending mine.


Mar 15, 2022, 3:20:57 AM3/15/22
to avip...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Ray for letting us know. I remember Paul brookes from
barclays Bank days. He was the switchboard operator at redditch.
Paul came to Worcester one weekend, and we walked to my house in
Wichenford, a village outside of Worcester. Paul also came to a
few midland area socials, in AVHT days.
Take care, and Thanks again for letting us know.
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