I love this Groups thing...feel free to post your thoughts on "any" topic.

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Nov 20, 2008, 8:08:59 AM11/20/08
to Avi Yama Dass, newf...@gmail.com
From fact to fiction to gossip to cryin' yer heart out if you need a
shoulder to cry on...but don't forget to share the laughs : ) ~


Nov 20, 2008, 10:49:57 PM11/20/08
to Avi Yama Dass
AVI_ was a name given to me at birth at ..it is my Hebrew nickname
taken from Avraham http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avraham_son_of_Rambam

YAMA_ came to me while playing a game of Dictionary in a little cabin
up in the woods on the Great Lakes. It was the first word I picked
blindfolded from the dictionary.

DASS_ss part of the name of a great inspiration to me...Ram Dass a man
I spent several weeks with each year until he became ill...his name
means "Servant of God".

Hence, my ulterior-ego?????????????


Nov 20, 2008, 11:04:58 PM11/20/08
to Avi Yama Dass
And what does your name mean to you?
If you could change it what would it be and why?

On Nov 20, 10:49 pm, andybuildz <andybui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> AVI_ was a name given to me at birth at ..it is my Hebrew nickname
> taken from Avrahamhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avraham_son_of_Rambam
> YAMA_ came to me while playing a game of Dictionary in a little cabin
> up in the woods on the Great Lakes. It was the first word I picked
> blindfolded from the dictionary.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama
> DASS_ss part of the name of a great inspiration to me...Ram Dass a man
> I spent several weeks with each year until he became ill...his name
> means "Servant of God".
> Hence, my ulterior-ego?????????????
> On Nov 20, 8:08 am, andybuildz <andybui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > From fact to fiction to gossip to cryin' yer heart out if you need a
> > shoulder to cry on...but don't forget to share the laughs : ) ~- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Nov 20, 2008, 11:10:03 PM11/20/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Here's how ya get it...

The screen name that one would use when "acting" in a pornographic
feature. A porno name is derived by using the name of your first
childhood pet as your first name, and the name of the street you grew
up on as your last name.

Mine would be "Roadie Flatbush".....bwahahahaha
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

Newf Ferguson

Nov 21, 2008, 5:50:12 AM11/21/08
to avi-ya...@googlegroups.com
Newf....short for Newfoundland & Labrador. Someone from there didn't want it...so I took it . In Newfoundland it is considered an insult.

So...every time some one calls me by it, I'm insulted, so the rest has to be better....................

Actually I hate the name Daryl...no one can spell it correctly, and I get tired of telling people they  spelt it wrong. And they tell me I spell it wrong. And I tell them to go fuck their selves, and go hang with my buddy Dick Cheny...

Newf Ferguson

Nov 21, 2008, 5:52:34 AM11/21/08
to avi-ya...@googlegroups.com
...Boston Blackie Snob Hill

Just doesn't work....

Well...Snob Hill is what the locals called it...it actually didn't have a name.


On 11/21/08, andybuildz <andyb...@gmail.com> wrote:


Nov 21, 2008, 7:11:33 AM11/21/08
to Avi Yama Dass
I gotta get o work so I can't write much this morning but you're
right...I never think to write Daryl when I write you. I always think
I'm gonna spell it wrong plus Newf has a nice ring to it anyway...no
insult intended : )

On Nov 21, 5:50 am, "Newf Ferguson" <newf.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Newf....short for Newfoundland & Labrador. Someone from there didn't want
> it...so I took it . In Newfoundland it is considered an insult.
> So...every time some one calls me by it, I'm insulted, so the rest has to be
> better....................
> Actually I hate the name Daryl...no one can spell it correctly, and I get
> tired of telling people they  spelt it wrong. And they tell me I spell it
> wrong. And I tell them to go fuck their selves, and go hang with my buddy
> Dick Cheny...
> On 11/21/08, andybuildz <andybui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > And what does your name mean to you?
> > If you could change it what would it be and why?
> > On Nov 20, 10:49 pm, andybuildz <andybui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > AVI_ was a name given to me at birth at ..it is my Hebrew nickname
> > > taken from Avrahamhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avraham_son_of_Rambam
> > > YAMA_ came to me while playing a game of Dictionary in a little cabin
> > > up in the woods on the Great Lakes. It was the first word I picked
> > > blindfolded from the dictionary.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama
> > > DASS_ss part of the name of a great inspiration to me...Ram Dass a man
> > > I spent several weeks with each year until he became ill...his name
> > > means "Servant of God".
> > > Hence, my ulterior-ego?????????????
> > > On Nov 20, 8:08 am, andybuildz <andybui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > From fact to fiction to gossip to cryin' yer heart out if you need a
> > > > shoulder to cry on...but don't forget to share the laughs : ) ~- Hide
> > quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Nov 21, 2008, 7:57:06 AM11/21/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Yo I'm here. Is it true I can say Dick Head anytime I want?

On Nov 20, 8:08 am, andybuildz <andybui...@gmail.com> wrote:


Nov 21, 2008, 5:58:14 PM11/21/08
to Avi Yama Dass
>>>Yo I'm here. Is it true I can say Dick Head anytime I want? <<<

Yeh,,,imagine that! You can atually speak like you do in real
life...kinda feels like satallite radio comin' from testicle
and no fear of anyone tellin' ya they're gonna ban you. BAN ME???
LOLOL..Imagine that...they can BAN YOU/ME! Cool....lol.

Patchogue Phil

Nov 21, 2008, 7:43:16 PM11/21/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Frisky Francis Lewis (Blvd)

Rick Bradford

Nov 21, 2008, 8:57:57 PM11/21/08
to avi-ya...@googlegroups.com

--- On Fri, 11/21/08, Patchogue Phil <BadaBi...@hotmail.com> wrote:


Nov 22, 2008, 3:17:39 PM11/22/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Hey Andy..........You get banned from quittin Time?...or just doing
your own thing?.........

Regardless I gotta say it....FUCK! ..........ohhhhh man how I loved
that. Oh Shit here it comes again FUUCKK!......uhhhhh oh the joy.

I am so fucking tired of writing like I don't talk just to please some
inane asshole who probably just beat the shit out of his old lady,
kicked the dog and is eating that fem owner at Tounton's pussy for

Oh darn did I go to far? You gonna pull a Luka on me?.........Am I
banned? Ahhh shit I never could keep my big mouth shut, now I went and
done it.............

On Nov 20, 10:49 pm, andybuildz <andybui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> AVI_ was a name given to me at birth at ..it is my Hebrew nickname
> taken from Avrahamhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avraham_son_of_Rambam
> YAMA_ came to me while playing a game of Dictionary in a little cabin
> up in the woods on the Great Lakes. It was the first word I picked
> blindfolded from the dictionary.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama


Nov 22, 2008, 8:53:23 PM11/22/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Nah...they didn't ban me but fuck that shit...I'm in there 2-3 posts
and they're alreading threatening me with a ban and telling me I need
to apologize for what I said towards Dino while they even twisted what
I said to make me sound just a lil' bit worse.....worse then what I
have no fucking idea so I just walked out the same door I came in
through. It's a big world out there and I don't need to plant my
Hinjew ass where it don't fit all comfy like....ya know? Plus I'm sick
of looking for reasons to blame "forums"...at this point FUCK FORUMS!!
At least the ones I have to watch what I say.
Doncha love that people tell ya they can BAN you? How fucking cool is
that dude?
I'm BANNED! Is that like being in the Grateful Dead?...lol. All the
perfect people telling US how we're spose' to act and speak. Lil' like
Nazi Germany I'd say!! I dunno...I figure each to their own...whatever
floats yer boat but that ain't how I'd run my ship so I built my
own...ya know? We can all sink or swim but we can do it together.
We're all the captions of the ship! The SS Fuckin' Blow Me...LOLOLOL

Anyway...yeh it's kinda refreshing to be able to speak like normal
human beings for a change. Imagine a real building web site where it's
uncensored. I don't think one exists.
Was checkin out yer blog btw and was totally digging it. Thought I
should start a page here of Blogs. Yours was what gave me the idea.
Actually there was a cpl of others I really dug. One from Jerrald
Hayes and one from this dude I'd been following from the Forestry
Forum. His was about how he ...wait a minute...hang out a sec...OK...I
saved it cause I was following it pretty closely. I'm into it cause
he's doing close to what I'd love to do right down to the Rumford
check this cat out --> http://www.massiehouse.blogspot.com/
Maybe I'll ask him if it's cool to post here (ce[t I just did...lol..I
meana bit more promenently along with yours and a few others). Here's
yours in case you think I was jivin' yer ass.. http://thewayofsurvival.blogspot.com/
. Been following it so I figure what not start a page here about
em'...even discuss or comment on em..if anyone is actually in
here...lol. Whatcha think bro?


Nov 23, 2008, 7:58:10 AM11/23/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Sure....course I gotta say (to the other guys/gals) I just allowed my
shadow to speak out in my initial post. Fuck is a word I normally
reserve for when nothing else quite fits . . . it is a fine word that
takes on so many meanings, probably more than any other word in our
vocabulary . . . it has it's purpose and the people who shiver when
they hear it should be shivering a bit more when they use a word like

I want to be fucked far more than I want to be banned. Innercourse vs

actually Andy I despise the word BANNED . . . when on the forum just
ignoring the dude works as well. Banning is a major power play from a
not so major player in the world of mental gymnastics.. ......so I
will probably do the builder part of Breaktime cause I like to help
people, but fuck forever the Tavern and the children running
it........as to Luka and the thing he did to you and Splinty was so
far over the top he must have just run out of meds...........plus I
think he works for Taunton on a sub contractor basis :)

My blog is on Googles blogspot.......It's all free and you can create
your own layout and stuff. I always thought it was a bit silly having
a blog . . like a huge ego trip. I suppose it could be. but I find it
very therapeutic, like a really deep meditation, to sit and write down
my thoughts. . . .and after 66 years spinning on this ball of bullshit
I have quite a few . . . plus I am going to after a while print them
all out and make six books for each one of my kids that they can read
when I'm dead....:)

Take care . . . and if you start one tell us where. There are sixty
zillion blogs for a reason.
> yours in case you think I was jivin' yer ass..http://thewayofsurvival.blogspot.com/


Nov 23, 2008, 10:07:26 AM11/23/08
to Avi Yama Dass
I started doing a "journal" before I ever heard of blogs and it was
for the same reason you mentioned....well...not initially. Initially
it was so I could unload. My therapy if you will. Then I came to
realize how cool it'd be to have for my future generations to
read....and in my mind I also thought it'd make for a pretty cool
Major Motion Picture...LOL. I think I even have a poem in there I
wrote while I was in prison. I think that prison time was for being a
"wayward minor". Did four fucking months in a real prison. No
children's shelter. I'd JUST turned 18 after the arrest. Great timing
huh? That was only one of a few other stays for similar 60's stuff.
Lemmie see..Peoples Park riots in Berkeley.....I just happened to be
on the wrong street at the wrong/right time depending on how ya look
at it...lol. Then the riots at Columbia University,,,same deal.
geezzzz...I was at a lot of universities for being a high school drop
Then my arrest of five felonies and five missdemeanors for sales and
possession of Hash pot and acid....They rounded up over 50 people in
my town. Course I was the only one to do any time....don't ask. It was
right I left living up at Millbrook NY (Leary's place). Hmmmmmm...here
I go again. Caught myself in the nick O' time...lol.
Maybe I don't want my future generations reading this stuff...lol
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Nov 23, 2008, 10:46:25 AM11/23/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Maybe I don't want my future generations reading this stuff.(quote)

I don't know man...for me the world turned boring when that old song
died and disco took over. I'm gonna write about it all some
day....maybe a little at a time in my blog.......a great place to
store paper that I always seem to be losing otherwise.

On Nov 23, 7:58 am, jjwalters <jjwalte...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:


Nov 29, 2008, 10:52:12 AM11/29/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Well...it's the day after Thanksgiving and the turkeys still don't
have to fear me. I only heard the veggies, legumes and grains scream.
I did however watch the rest of the family enjoy the foul. That's
OK....I say each to their own. I don't really think this planet will
be around forever anyway. My guess is everything moves on and
something else takes it's place. The trick is to treat it as we'd like
to treat our children b/c in the grand scheme of things the vibration
is what continues and reforms itself into what highest of powers sees
We're smaller then microscopic yet we are part of what makes all of
this up.
We are god. If this is what the highest of powers created...then we
are part of her. We are what she wanted us to be.
On a more earthling like level I have to say...it's all fun to watch.
I've lurked in earthling like forums here on the internet and
witnessed the different tudes'. I'm sure the highest of powers allowed
these egosites to be created strictly for her entertainment. It
really is pretty funny to watch. Some people jumping from one forum
back to another to give one another a piece of their minds. It's
pretty hysterical.
Even those that say they want to stay out of it really don't...not
even me as hard as I seem to try.
I just have no real opinion about any of it anymore. I'm just trying
to learn from it all at this point...what the point of it was.
I suppose for me..the point of it....looking back at it...and the
remnants of it...is...a pretty large as life lesson. It may just be
the remnants of it I've been witnessing that tells it all. NO ONE is
exempt from it all as much as some might think they are.
And so what are we thankful for today?
I think the first thing might be our breath and then peace of mind. I
think that's what I'll "try" and work on now.........again.
I think I loose my way every once in a while. It's just that this time
I'll try and work on whats fallen apart sooner then later b/c the
longer I weave those webs_the harder it is for me to climb back out of
Anyway....wishing you all a great rest of the day! : )
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Nov 30, 2008, 8:11:38 AM11/30/08
to Avi Yama Dass
Well...stuff is stuff...and life is life.

This is MY song this year...

Love To Be Loved Peter Gabriel from the album "Us"

So, you know how people are
When it's all gone much too far
The way their minds are made
Still, there's something you should know
That I could not let show
That fear of letting go

And in this moment, I need to be needed
With this darkness all around me, I like to be liked
In this emptiness and fear, I want to be wanted
'Cause I love to be loved
I love to be loved
Yes, I love to be loved

I cry the way that babies cry
The way they can't deny
The way they feel
Words, they climb all over you
'Til they uncover you
From where you hide

And in this moment, I need to be needed
When my self-esteem is sinking, I like to be liked
In this emptiness and fear,
I want to be wanted
'Cause I love to be loved
I love to be loved
Oh I love to be loved

This old familiar craving
I've been here before, this way of behaving
Don't know who the hell I'm saving anymore
Let it pass let it go let it leave
From the deepest place I grieve
This time I believe

And I let go
I can let go of it
Though it takes all the strength in me
And all the world can see
I'm losing such a central part of me
I can let go of it
You know I mean it
You know that I mean it
I recognize how much I've lost
But I cannot face the cost
'Cause I love to be loved

Yes I love to be loved
I love to be loved

I love to be loved

I love to be loved
Yes I love to be loved
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