Playlists used to fill to 1000 song limit, now only ~250

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Mar 3, 2018, 9:53:52 AM3/3/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
Title says it really.
Simple playlist with a single condition to grab all songs I've never listened to (play count <0), sorted random.
When 1st using the extension it would fill to the GPM 1000 track limit as expected, now each sync only fills ~250 tracks.
Testing the playlist (great feature idea, by the way) shows that 1000 tracks meeting criteria (more than, but again the GPM cap).
I've tried removing the sort condition, but no change.  

Simon Weber

Mar 3, 2018, 1:41:33 PM3/3/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
Does each sync end up changing the songs? Or are those tracks are stuck in place now?

Either way, I've seen odd things like this happen when Google is starting to get overloaded. Here's some steps to test this:
  1. in settings, enable "change batching" and change your sync interval to 0 to temporarily disable syncing
  2. reload the extension
  3. wait a day or two without syncing at all. avoid changing the playlist during this time, as that will also cause a sync.
  4. then, try a manual sync and see if that fills up the playlist again
If it does, try setting your sync period back to something larger than it was before (usually something on the order of hours prevents issues). If not, we can try waiting longer; in one extreme case, I saw things go back to normal after a week!

Let me know how it goes!

Mar 4, 2018, 1:17:26 AM3/4/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
Thanks for the super fast reply!
Yes, I do at least get a refreshed set of ~250 tracks, so it's functionally not a huge deal (still serves the purpose) - was just curious.
I enabled batching and reloaded the extension, but that didn't seem to change anything.
In an act of desperation, I deleted the playlist and re-created it from scratch - and that fixed it!  
It's filling as expected now.  Strange, but thank you for the help.

Simon Weber

Mar 4, 2018, 1:17:31 PM3/4/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
Much easier than what I had in mind! Glad you got it working.
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