I'm thinking this is not good news

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Trevor Peck

Jun 18, 2018, 11:38:31 AM6/18/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
It might explain what happened to the labs, though.


 - Trevor.

Trevor Peck

Oct 17, 2018, 9:50:56 AM10/17/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
I have a compilation playlist that has 187 songs appear when I click "test". 

 But, when I open the list on GPM in Chrome, Brave, or Android app, it currently only shows 68 songs.
 I have reloaded the extension a few times. Any other thoughts?

 - Trevor.

More details in case it matters:

Any of the following conditions:
 Playlist is equal to: playlist 1
 Playlist is equal to: playlist 2
 Playlist is equal to: playlist 3
 Playlist is equal to: playlist 4
 Playlist is equal to: playlist 5

No sort (I've tried different sorts with no change)

limit to 999 (changing this makes no difference unless I move it to below 68)

 Some of the underlying playlists have a similar problem, but there are only a total of about 10 songs missing over the five playlists, so it looks like the problem is not limited to those lists, or to particular songs, because some songs that do appear at GPM on other lists still do not appear at GPM on the compilation list..

 This has been an issue for a long time, but it grows. I sort the underlying lists by "last played" in order to rotate songs through, and when they don't appear at GPM they don't get played so they don't rotate through.

Simon Weber

Oct 18, 2018, 1:46:08 PM10/18/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
Can you give the syncing tips here a try? If those don't make a difference, send me your logs (there's instructions on that page) and I'll see what I can figure out.

Simon Weber

Oct 24, 2018, 10:35:08 AM10/24/18
to Autoplaylists for Google Music
We got this fixed off-list by duplicating the problematic autoplaylist. The old playlist on Google's end had gotten into a state where it wasn't accepting updates as expected.
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