I did show the errors from autopkg. They are not the same they either say "...an error occurred reading configuration file..." or "Operation Timed out" here's a more detailed list of errors from autopkg NOT Autopkgr.
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.dankeller-recipes...
Already up-to-date.
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.recipes...
ERROR: fatal: Unable to create '/Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.recipes/.git/index.lock': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.orchard-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.nstrauss-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.cgerke-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.sheagcraig-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.jleggat-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.jps3-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.scriptingosx-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.timsutton-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.homebysix-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.hjuutilainen-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.apettinen-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.jss-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.joshua-d-miller-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.keeleysam-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.munki.createOSXinstallPkg...
ERROR: git execution failed with error code 60: Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Users/dwarren/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRepos/com.github.autopkg.recipes...
Already up-to-date.
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.hansen-m-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.nmcspadden-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files