Git error when attempting to update repos

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Daniel Warren

Apr 11, 2018, 11:08:26 AM4/11/18
to autopkg-discuss
When attempting to update repos using Autopkgr I'm getting a git error that local changes would be overwritten by a merge.  I'm confused because to the best of my knowledge I never made any changes to those repos.  I use overrides for any customizations.  Here are the errors from Autopkgr:  

ERROR: error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:
Please move or remove them before you can merge.

ERROR: error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
More details have been logged to the system.log

Most of the applications affected do not concern me and I would be more than happy to overwrite them.  Basically the only ones I  care about are Mozilla and Oracle, but again I don't know when or how these repos were changed.  However the issue as you can see is that while Autopkgr is telling me the recipes it has a problem with it is not telling me the repos that hold them.  Also I don't care about any of the untracked working tree files.

Running autopkg from the command line I get this a few "Already up-to-date" and then some "...error occured while reading the configuration files" or "Operation timed out"

Any ideas on how to fix this or what caused it?

Gregory Neagle

Apr 11, 2018, 12:09:35 PM4/11/18
We can't tell you how/why files changed in your local clones of recipe repos.  A `git status` and/or `git diff` while in one of the affected directories might provide you with additional clues.

"Autopkgr is telling me the recipes it has a problem with it is not telling me the repos that hold them" so get searching!

autopkg info BBEdit.munki.recipe
would tell you where that recipe is, among other info.

This list doesn't really offer support for Autopkgr -- it is for discussion and support of autopkg.

If you can replicate your issues using autopkg (or have different issues), post what you are trying and what you are getting in output and we might be able to offer concrete suggestions.


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Warren, Daniel

Apr 11, 2018, 2:27:09 PM4/11/18
I did show the errors from autopkg.  They are not the same they either say " error occurred reading configuration file..." or "Operation Timed out"  here's a more detailed list of errors from autopkg NOT Autopkgr.

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.dankeller-recipes...
Already up-to-date.

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/
ERROR: fatal: Unable to create '/Volumes/munki_repo/': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.orchard-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.nstrauss-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.cgerke-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.sheagcraig-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.jleggat-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.jps3-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.scriptingosx-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.timsutton-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.homebysix-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.hjuutilainen-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.apettinen-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.jss-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.joshua-d-miller-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.keeleysam-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.munki.createOSXinstallPkg...
ERROR: git execution failed with error code 60: Operation timed out
Attempting git pull for /Users/dwarren/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRepos/
Already up-to-date.

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.hansen-m-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unable to access '.git/config': Operation timed out

Attempting git pull for /Volumes/munki_repo/com.github.autopkg.nmcspadden-recipes...
ERROR: fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files

Daniel W Warren
Application Distribution Specialist
Natick Public Schools
(508)-647-6400 x1728

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