AutoPkg 3.0 RC1

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Nick McSpadden

Aug 22, 2023, 2:36:04 PM8/22/23

Given the massive number of fundamental changes in AutoPkg behavior, we have decided to promote this version bump to 3.0.0.

Full Changelog from 2.7.2:

What's new in 3.0 RC1 compared to 2.8.1 RC6:
Complete rewrite of GitHub integrations
The Github integrations were previously based on curling the GitHub API directly. For various reasons, that's become both unwieldy and unreliable, especially with how much GitHub has applied rate limiting to API calls from unauthenticated sources. The entire stack has been rewritten to rely on the PyGithub module instead.

autopkglib.github now provides a utility class GitHubSession that will store information about a given repo (as well as the AutoPkg repo and orgs itself by default), and can be used as an interface for working with the PyGithub module. Note that the PyGithub module does require installation of another module, so you will need to use this RC's version of Python (which includes it), or do a pip install on your own, in order to support the new functionality.

GitHubReleasesInfoProvider processor has also been completely rewritten to use the new module and class.

As described in the previous 2.8.1 RC6's notes:
The only option now for reading a GitHub token is via the preference GITHUB_TOKEN_PATH. The old GITHUB_TOKEN preference key is no longer used anywhere. You must now store your GH token in a flat text file.

Known issues: the current implementation of the code does not do any rate limit checking or backoff. If you are denied access to the API calls because of rate limits or lack of access, you will get a Python traceback (which is still similar to the behavior from before, but now the error does not come from curl). I hope to add a little bit better of an experience for API rate limiting issues in a future version of AutoPkg.

Previous RC notable items:
Recipe Map
AutoPkg no longer searches through the folders on disk every time it looks for a recipe or processor. Instead, it now builds a recipe map (stored on disk as a JSON file) that tells AutoPkg where to find recipes by shortname and identifier.
The recipe map contains four top level keys:

Each top level key contains a list of key/value pairs corresponding to the full path of a recipe file. Example:

 "identifiers": {
    "com.github.autopkg.AutoPkg1GitMaster": "/Users/nmcspadden/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRepos/",
  "shortnames": {
    "": "/Users/nmcspadden/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRepos/",
This recipe map is automatically built whenever you add or delete a repo, or create a new recipe. The recipe map automatically maps everything in your RECIPE_SEARCH_DIRS preferences. The map is consulted only on verbs that require it (such as anything involving listing, auditing, generating, or handling recipes and repos).

For existing clients, simply re-adding an existing repo will build your map: autopkg repo-add recipes

IMPORTANT NOTE: Searching for recipes on disk no longer happens - only the recipe map is consulted! If you experience issues with locating recipes, please file a Github Issue with steps to reproduce the problem.

autopkglib separation
This has no effect on AutoPkg usage whatsoever, but it's an important note for anyone familiar with the code. Rather than throw everything into primarily two files (autopkg and, it's now separated into some smaller libraries - at the moment, prefs and common.

autopkglib.common contains some basic common functions - determining platform, and all default path constants.
autopkglib.prefs has all the Preference objects and getting/saving preferences code.

WARNING: if you have any custom processors that loaded functions from autopkglib, such as log or is_mac(), they will need to be adjusted for this change in order to work. You may need to wrap your import in a try/except block while we make this transition. All Core processors have already been fixed. If you are a custom processor author and are not sure how to address this, please contact the AutoPkg maintainers and/or ask in Slack for advice.

More sub-libraries will come as I continue to break the monolith apart and add more tests. AutoPkg still generally assumes "autopkglib" is one big folder of processors, so the Core processors will likely move to their own subfolder once the logic is fully rewritten.

Nick McSpadden
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