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Apr 7, 2006, 9:54:38 AM4/7/06
to Automotive Parts

To Archbishop Christodoulos Paraskevaides of the Greek Orthodox Church
in Athens and Greece
I talked with a Greek Orthodox believer in Australia and he told me two

things of interest in these last days, as we see it this day even.

They had a large group of personnel from America come to Australia to
set the same kind of situation there as in America, getting set to
gather up all that will resist taking of this biochip implant which is
mark of their beast name and number in it, as well as all the
information about you held in the computer beast Belgium center. They
have also
taken all the weapons of self defense away from all the people of
Australia so that only these U.N. "peacekeepers" have weapons
together with
the new world order police.

It is going on in America too. Little by little, they are going to take

all the weapons of self defense away from Americans so there will be no

one to resist the dictatorship takeover by adolf george bush as liken
to a modern day adolf hitler. And just as adolf hitler was, so is
busha member of the satanic "skull and bones" society. His guide
is hitler's Mein Kampf.

These new world order people are in every capital in high places as
written, Ephesians 6:12, and are they that do II Corinthians 11:14 to
First, they started by putting a biochip in every stray dog. And now,
every item you buy at the supermarket will have a biochip in it. And
they are set to implant all the military in America with this biochip
implant mark of their beast. Then Australia, New Zealand and then to
all of
Europe. It will come very quickly before the son of perdition is
revealed soon to take charge of this new world order of antichrist

There will be no neutral country to flee to, as all nations are being
taken over. And their spy satellites can check all people, those that
have this biochip implant and those that do not, so as to send their
gestapo police to gather all who have not the biochip implant and take
to prisons to torture people so as to force them to accept this biochip

implant mark of their beast with his name and number in it.

Archbishop, Jesus warned us through His words given by His real prophet

of this time, liken to Daniel 12:1 to 4 and Matthew 24:37 to 41, only
that He will redeem you off this evil corrupt earth full of rebellious
people. Soon will anyone really make it to where He is and all the real

saints await you, Revelation 6:9 to 11.

Brethren in Christ Jesus' Name,

I do believe the Lord has to save Americans from the real trouble to
come soon. Daniel 12:1-2. Bush has taken all the military out of
America. Now all there is, hidden all over America, Chinese, Russian,
German and other supposed to be U.N. "peacekeepers", which are not
there for that purpose. Bush is gathering more German soldiers to
protect the U.S. military bases. He says.

Did you know they have big prisons made from used-to-be military
bases, now to be used to gather all the persons on adolf bush's Blue
list of people who will oppose his tyrannical takeover of America
when he creates a situation to call upon Marshall law and simply
takes over America soon.

And all that will not accept his smallpox inoculation and biochip
implant with the mark name and number of their beast as per
Revelation 13:16-18, will be placed into one of these 107,000 big
white boxcars with shackles to take them to a termination building
where they end up as a pile of ash, to hide whatever happened to
them. And it all is done through good old "christian" bush's

He is not a Christian, but a son of the devil, as most of the U.S.
government who are also illuminati satanists.

When bush places the mark into the people all over America, then the
vision I saw in Athens, Greece, can come to pass. Down she goes. Only
the very elect chosen few will the Lord gather out of it who are
accounted worthy to be chosen of Him. His very elect chosen and
faithful, Mark 13:20 + 22 + 27, to be quickened by the Holy Spirit
alive in them as wise virgins written in Matthew 25:1 to 12. His true
bride to be taken, Revelation 12:14.
Revelation 22:11-12.
His Servant,
Elijah the Tishbite, PO Box 53702, Main Post Office - Gladstone Street,
Limassol CYPRUS
Messages of G-d servant prophet Elijah are on internet at:

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