support for Archlinux distribution

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May 28, 2010, 4:22:35 AM5/28/10
to AutomateIt
Hello group,

I am working on adding support for Archlinux to Automateit.
I allready added it for "package_manager" and "platform_manager".

You can find a diff against current git on:

I would now like to implement "service" support.
But this seems to become a bit more complicated.

Would be nice if you could assist me a bit.
I am not sure how to start here.

"sysv.rb" seems to be the base for the other "service providers" (eg:
The problem here is that Archlinux uses quite a different approach
Which means "sysv.rb" can not be used directly as a base.

How to proceed with this ?
Add new "sysv_arch.rb" ?
Modify exiting "sysv.rb" ?

I am sure some other questions will arise later on, so please be
patient ;-)


Jun 1, 2010, 6:10:45 AM6/1/10
to AutomateIt
Hello again,

No answers to my initial post.
Anyway, i figured out that i dont have to "patch" automateit "core".

So i removed the patch for archlinux from:

And added archlinux support to my automateit project(s):
(see lib/ directory)

note that "archlinux_sysv.rb" is still in development.

Just wanted to point there, as someone might find this helpful.

Tim Uckun

Jun 1, 2010, 6:52:17 AM6/1/10

Thanks for your efforts. I An afraid this project is all but abandoned.  Too bad because I like it so much.

The good news is that it works well and its open source.

On 1 Jun 2010 22:10, "archme" <> wrote:

Hello again,

No answers to my initial post.
Anyway, i figured out that i dont have to "patch" automateit "core".

So i removed the patch for archlinux from:

And added archlinux support to my automateit project(s):
(see lib/ directory)

note that "archlinux_sysv.rb" is still in development.

Just wanted to point there, as someone might find this helpful.

On 28 Mai, 10:22, archme <> wrote:
> Hello group,

> I am working on adding ...

Francesc Esplugas

Jun 1, 2010, 4:43:30 PM6/1/10
to AutomateIt

On Jun 1, 12:52 pm, Tim Uckun <> wrote:

> Thanks for your efforts. I An afraid this project is all but abandoned.  Too
> bad because I like it so much.

Abandoned or not it's a nice software I've used a lot during the last
year, easy to use and it's ruby. Igal seems to be busy working on
puppet [1].

I still miss some way to be able to deploy to multiple servers, so
I've started to use Sprinkle (,
which has a nice DSL, and some good recipes.


Tim Uckun

Jun 1, 2010, 7:09:18 PM6/1/10
> Abandoned or not it's a nice software I've used a lot during the last
> year, easy to use and it's ruby. Igal seems to be busy working on
> puppet [1].
> I still miss some way to be able to deploy to multiple servers, so
> I've started to use Sprinkle (,
> which has a nice DSL, and some good recipes.

It looks pretty nice at first glance.

Does sprinkle work on different flavors of linux or do you have to set
up a different recipe for each linux flavor?

Is it a complete replacement for automateit.

> [1]
> --
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Leif Warner

Jun 2, 2010, 10:24:36 PM6/2/10
to AutomateIt
Igal's terribly busy with Open Source Bridge at the moment. And he's
not exactly working on Puppet itself, but rather the Puppet Forge
website and tool to share, find, and install recipes. Whatever pays
the bills?

@archme: Are you going to put that PKGBUILD on AUR? I could do so, if
you want. I use Automateit on the Ubuntu server, but haven't been
able to test out the package management features on my workstation,
which runs Arch - so this is nice feature for me.

-Leif Warner
> > For more options, visit this group at Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Igal Koshevoy

Jun 3, 2010, 8:55:24 AM6/3/10
Leif Warner wrote:
> Igal's terribly busy with Open Source Bridge at the moment.

Sorry for not responding earlier. I've also noticed a number of threads
in this list that I don't remember seeing, which make me think something
is, or was, going on with my mail setup. Ugh.

I'm really swamped right now, so I'll try to catch up on this and other
threads this weekend or next.

If someone would like to help... It would be great if you could add your
opinions to discussion threads, and review and comment on code posted
and offer suggestions.

> And he's
> not exactly working on Puppet itself, but rather the Puppet Forge
> website and tool to share, find, and install recipes. Whatever pays
> the bills?

I care more about people having good open source options to help them,
and less about which tool "wins". :)

I'm consulting for Puppet Labs because they're good folks, pay the
bills, and the Puppet Forge project that I'm working on helps sysadmins
adopt automation and share their solutions -- which is something that
aligns well with my personal values.

However, I haven't had a revelation that AutomateIt's approach is wrong,
any more than I've ever felt that Puppet's was wrong. My #1 complaint
about Puppet was its terrible software quality, but their new
development team has been busy fixing this year, so I really feel it's
now down to which tool better fits your needs and mental model.

Anyway, I still care about and use AutomateIt. I'd like to add some more
drivers (e.g. this Archlinux package manager), fix some compatibility
issues (e.g. Ruby 1.9), and resolve any bugs. AutomateIt as it is now as
a complete, working vision of what I set out to do, so I'd like to get
these outstanding issues resolved and call it a 1.0.


Tim Uckun

Jun 3, 2010, 5:29:53 PM6/3/10
Hey Igal.

One thing you may want to consider when you have time would be to
integrate some of the patched and additional helper classes people
published on github.

It seems to me that maybe if there was a separate submodule for the
helper classes and the library people could contribute that without
having to mess with automateit core.

I know that I wrote my own postgres helper class and a couple of
little snippets that other people might find useful.

Come to think of it the helpers could even be put up in plain text on
a wiki someplace (or even gist if it could be organized better).


Jun 7, 2010, 5:19:52 AM6/7/10
to AutomateIt
Hello guys,

I would still like to finish ArchLinux support.
(Espescially "service" support is not finished at all)

But when i started to use more features in recipes (eg. templates),
other issues appeared.
I think most of them related to ruby 1.9 compatibility.

As ArchLinux uses 1.9 by default i dont think it makes sense to
continue with driver support, as long as these issues are not

Also uploading the current driver to AUR does not make sense with
these issues.



Jun 7, 2010, 5:37:11 AM6/7/10
to AutomateIt
Some things i missed in my last post:

- What i like most about Automateit is that it does NOT really use it
own DSL language, like most other solutions in this area do.

- And second is that it can be easily embedded into other ruby based
(eg.: i already successfully tried to embedd it into a "Ramaze"
based web-app)

Just wanted to note these points, as i think none of the other
solutions can offer this "flexability".

Tim Uckun

Jun 7, 2010, 6:20:06 AM6/7/10
> - And second is that it can be easily embedded into other ruby based
> software.
>  (eg.: i already successfully tried to embedd it into a "Ramaze"
> based web-app)

I do the same thing as a sanity check for the apps. I add a rake task
so you can run "rake automate" and it will make sure all the cron jobs
are set up, all the directories are in the right place, all the gems
are installed etc.

In fact automateit is such a superior solution to bundler that I am
surprised rails team didn't adopt it. Bundler installs gems but if you
need headers or "dev" packages it falls flat on it's face.

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