Good news! I've published a release candidate for the next AutomateIt
official release. It passes all the tests and I've deployed it on my
production servers, so this should be safe. Please try this out, start
by running it in preview mode against your recipes, and report back any
Details on how to use a release candidate:
Here are the changes for this release: (% = significant fix, + =
significant improvement)
- (%) Fixed AddressManager, it now works with versions of Ruby that
don't allow modifications to sets during iteration.
- (%) Fixed PackageManager::Gem, it now works with newer versions of
Open4 that may incorrectly return nil STDOUT.
- (%) Fixed AutomateIt's test suite, it now works with newer versions of
- (%) Fixed PackageManager::Cpan, it now works with newer versions of
CPAN when installing a package that's been uninstalled before.
- (%) Fixed ShellManager#ln_s, it can now link a directory to a
directory and understand a target symlink's relative path.
- (+) Improved HelpfulERB, it now displays friendly errors containing
filename and line number in templates, including "fields.yml" and
"tags.yml", and will
- (+) Improved DownloadManager, it will now only download if the file
isn't already present, but you can override this with a :force option.
- (+) Improved PackageManager::Gem, it can now install a specific
version of a gem: `package_manager.install("rails", :with => :gem,
:version => "2.3.4")`
- Improved PackageManager::Gem, it will now clear the local Gem cache so
that "require" calls can see newly-installed packages without restarting