Call Forwarding Error

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Apr 8, 2016, 5:01:07 AM4/8/16
to Automate

I encounter this error occasionally, with recently happening more frequently.

Call Forwarding Cancellation Error:
Call forwarding
Connection problem or invalid MMI code.
unconditionally for All Basic Services

Call Forwarding Error:
Call forwarding
Connection problem or invalid MMI code.
unconditionally for All Speech Services

I had tried to search for a solution. The only ones I can find is the same fix results - which I had also tried without success:

Most fix mentioned require intervention. However, I would need it to be automated.
E.g. Can catch these errors and redial the GSM codes until successful
However, I'm not sure how to catch these errors. Can this be done in the first place?

Greatly appreciate it if anyone can advise on how to resolve this.



Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Apr 8, 2016, 2:19:36 PM4/8/16
to Automate,
Sadly android doesn't provide an API to get the result of an USSD (MMI) code.
The only way to automate it is to use the Interact block.


Apr 13, 2016, 10:27:15 PM4/13/16
Thanks Henrik.

However, I'm having problem understanding how to use the Interact block.

I suppose:
1) I don't need to use the options: Record interactions?
     a) If need, how to use this?
     b) When should I use this function?

2) Under Input Arguments:
     a) Action = Inspect
     b) Content = <leave it blank since it is used for "Set Text" Action>
     c) UI Element Class = <I'm not sure what are the UI element portion. How do I find out what are the correct values for these?>
     d) UI Element Text = <I'm not sure what are the UI element portion. How do I find out what are the correct values for these? This is not the value of the call forwarding error right?>
     e) UI Element ID (Android 4.3+) = <I'm not sure what are the UI element portion. How do I find out what are the correct values for these?>

3) Under Output variables
     a) inspected content = <give a variable to capture the call forwarding error>

4) Do I use back Interact block to close the Call Forward message and set the action to Close System Dialogs? But this will close all, and unable to close the successful forward ones --- So that I can know there is/are failed forward error ones.

Can you advise/point me to where I can look for the above info?

Also, as it will be looping till it gets forwarded successfully, will this take up much resources, CPU usage, and drain the battery fast?



Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Apr 15, 2016, 3:21:10 PM4/15/16
to Automate,
1. No, it's only to an help identify the UI element.
1a. Tap it the perform the UI steps you wish to automate, an "history" of action will be recorded.
1b. When you wish to identify an UI element.

2b. According to 2a you're using action Inspect?
2cde. Use the "Record interactions" button

3a. This variable will contain the text of the inspected UI element.

4. Try using the Interact block to tap any OK/Cancel button.

If you do loop, at least use an 2 seconds Delay in between, a flow running continuously will drain a huge amount of battery.
Message has been deleted


Apr 18, 2016, 11:39:43 PM4/18/16
to Automate
Thanks Henrik.

Basically I recorded it, [The UI Element Text is blank] and try to send the sms for the USSD return status (i.e. the output variable) which returned error.
It says "com.llamalab.automate.
RequiredArgumentNullException: message"
So it fails to get the USSD return status text.

[Or am I missing out something?]

I suppose no choice, would be user intervention to manually forward the call when there is such errors, and no other ways. Have to wait for Android to provide an API to get the result of an USSD (MMI) code. Right?



Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Apr 19, 2016, 2:55:00 PM4/19/16
to Automate
The "RequiredArgumentNullException: message" error is caused by SMS send block when the message is empty, likely the Interact block wasn't able to extract the "content".
Yes, the Interact block isn't a reliable solution.


Apr 19, 2016, 9:06:43 PM4/19/16
to Automate
Thanks Henrik.

Shall have to wait for Android to provide an API to get the result of an USSD (MMI) code then. Hopefully soon. :)

Thanks again.


Oct 9, 2018, 5:12:30 AM10/9/18
to Automate
Hi Henrik.

Would like to re-visit this.

Is the result of an USSD (MMI) code available now in Android API?

Also, it seems that the calendar event query is not activated at times. Any idea why?
In the calendar, I had double checked that the timings setup are already done accordingly. But somehow it is not retrieving.
It stops at the Calendar Event Query, and wait for the next timing. No errors. And the next timing is able to execute.


Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Oct 9, 2018, 10:14:43 AM10/9/18
to Automate
Already available.:

Ensure the same Calendar event query block is execute, since it manages if it has executed for the event start and should await event end next.
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