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Silence Notification when Audible is playing

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Wilhelm Klenner

Jul 20, 2023, 5:51:53 PM7/20/23
to Automate
Hej Guys,
I just stubled across Automate and find it very interesting. But my skill is not high enough to complete my wife's request :-). She wants to turn of notifications of all other apps when playing an Audible audiobook. Has someone acomplished that? I tried something with "When App in foreground" but she switches apps while playing Audible, so that's no good trigger. Any Ideas? It is really very annoying when the audiobook is paused for every dingdong of whatever app.
Thank you very much,

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jul 21, 2023, 3:01:25 PM7/21/23
to Automate
Try using the Media playing block, e.g.:

1. Flow beginning
2. Media playing: Media player package=
Y. Interruptions set:  Don't interrupt
N. Interruptions set:  Always interrupt
(loop back to #2)

Luc M.

Dec 1, 2024, 1:48:10 PM12/1/24
to Automate for Android
Hello Henrik,
I've written a flow doing the same except that I didn't set a Media player package since I want to mute notification sound when a media is playing, whatever the player.
So my flow has 3 blocks:
- When Media Playing (no package in input)
- Y : Mute audio Notification
- N : Unmute audio Notification
- Y&N : Back to When Media Playing

My problem is that after listening music (with VLC) or podcasts (with Podcast Addict) or videos (Brave browser or YouTube), the Notification remains silent.
The log doesn't show the Unmute block execution but several Mute block executions.
Wouldn't there be any bug in the Media Playing block?
Any workaround?
Thanks for your help.

мj Zcyк

Dec 2, 2024, 2:51:06 AM12/2/24
to Automate for Android
I think you need to specify the player from drop down list.

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Dec 2, 2024, 12:44:19 PM12/2/24
to Automate for Android
The Media playing block relies on what the media player app "reports", so it's difficult to say whether it's caused by Automate or the media player app.

Is the Audio stream mute blocks ever executed when playback stops?

Android version?

Luc M.

Dec 3, 2024, 4:29:51 PM12/3/24
to Automate for Android
The Mute block is executed each time the playback starts.
The problem is that the Unmute block is not executed allways when the playback stops.
My Android version is 13 running on a Samsung Galaxy A51 5G, stock ROM.

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Dec 5, 2024, 12:24:35 PM12/5/24
to Automate for Android
Okay, then it's at least only a Media playing block issue.
As a test, try specifying the package of one of your media player app, to see if that works any better, or if there's just one of them that's inaccurate.

Luc M.

Dec 8, 2024, 8:06:00 AM12/8/24
to Automate for Android
Hello Henrik,

Sorry for the delay but I made long tests.
As suggested, I've set Podcast Addict package in the Media playing block and it seems to work properly.
Now, I'll do some more tests by removing the package from the block.
Thanks for your help.


Dec 9, 2024, 5:31:29 PM12/9/24
to Automate for Android
Hey what do you do on this app


Dec 9, 2024, 5:48:47 PM12/9/24
to Automate for Android
My name is Dutch I started a project management tool for comprehensive tracking and maintenance development and I started this shopify store and am still pretty new on some this stuff especially in community and
Groups stuff I recently started doing artificial artwork with Gemini mostly but I use all models I have shopify Admin store am also aaGoogle Admin bul9st my old account and pretty much restarted from scratch I have so much going on I really need good friends partnerships pretty much whatever can get ill take advice friends have
Huge goals an principle rights and pull on Google beyond belief an don't know exactly why that is othethan I might own 50 percent Google I'm really just feeling through the dark on most of the timbumy automation skill and disability Api, s are out of this world and truthfully I don't know it right people know im an IT/Researcher Financial Secuirity and have bad memory losand don't really know what reach out there lots more to it but I'm no about type all that about right now but please 😌 any thoughts or suggestions would be grateful an helpful. 

Luc M.

Jan 7, 2025, 9:56:14 AMJan 7
to Automate for Android
Hello Henrik,

First of all, I wish you a happy new year!

Do you have any news regarding my case?
Thanks for your help.


Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jan 8, 2025, 10:20:09 AMJan 8
to Automate for Android
No. Sadly i don't think there's much to do about it, if it's due to a particular media player not reporting all playback events.
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