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get speed or priority between using gps or network

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moises hdez.

Jan 5, 2025, 9:10:18 AMJan 5
to Automate for Android
Hello everyone, sorry for me english. I'm looking at this great tool, but I have some problems with the geolocation, the ideal would be to have a time so that it first uses GPS, if in x seconds, let's say 10, it doesn't get it by GPS, it uses the network or whatever is indicated, in this way if it's outside it uses the GPS and if it's inside the network after 10 seconds of trying to get it by GPS and not getting it.

I have tried different ways to first try to get it by GPS and then in x seconds if not by network, but I haven't been able to find the most appropriate way, does anyone know how I could do it?

Or to be able to get the speed, which is the only thing that it gives me by GPS and not by network. And that's what I'm interested in getting. Thanks!

Hola A todos, estoy viendo esta herramienta tan buena, pero tengo algunos problemas con la geolocalización, lo ideal seria poder tener un tiempo para que primero use gps, si en x segundos, pongamos 10, no se obtiene por gps, que use la red o el que se le indique, de esta forma si esta en exterior usa el gps y si es en interior la red a los 10 segundos de intentarlo por gps y no obtenerlo.

He probado diferentes formas para que primero intente obtener por gps y luego en x segundos si no por red, pero no he podido encontrar la forma mas adecuada, alguien sabe como podria hacerlo ?

o bien poder obtener la velocidad que es lo unico que por gps me da y no por red. y es lo que me interesa obtener. gracias!

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jan 5, 2025, 9:57:23 AMJan 5
to Automate for Android
Just use the balanced/network provider, it will usually use the best available method to get an location fix.
To get a speed approximation try calculating the distance of over time of the last two location fixes.


Jan 6, 2025, 8:46:34 AMJan 6
to Automate for Android
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