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GoogleAuthException: Authorization canceled?

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Oliver Völker

Apr 27, 2016, 2:18:03 AM4/27/16
to Automate

the "Daily Automate Backup" Flow throws a Authorization canceled?

I know what it means, but I have no idea how to re-authenticate :(

Apr 27, 2016, 8:06:01 AM4/27/16
to Automate
I had the same err a couple of days ago (with cloud message send). Oddly only on one device of three all using the same account and flow. Tried various things to fix it eventually used a different account which worked and then switched back to the original account and it worked. Don't know what fixed it or even if it was a transient problem at Google. Only difference between the device with the problem and the two without was that I had just rebooted the failing device (and this flow runs at startup) so vaguely wondered if had failed to re-authenticate after the reboot.

Oliver Völker

Apr 27, 2016, 8:06:49 AM4/27/16
to Automate
Found a solution: I removed the App permissions in Google and after restarting the backup flow Automated asked me again which account it should use etc.
Then the upload worked. No idea why the connection was broken.

Apr 27, 2016, 2:31:21 PM4/27/16
to Automate
One way or another we both forced a re-authorise... Must be something in that but I don't know what 😀

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Apr 27, 2016, 5:49:17 PM4/27/16
to Automate
The flow should have shown an authentication dialog, but it will timeout if you don't confirm/okay it.
I don't know why you would have to reauthenticate if you already have authenticated.

Oliver Völker

Apr 28, 2016, 1:45:03 AM4/28/16
to Automate
For me it works two or three days, than the error occoured. Don't know why.

Apr 28, 2016, 5:25:14 PM4/28/16
to Automate
Still working for me, only a couple of days though. Possible difference between us: I'm passing the account as a variable. Not sure why that would make a difference. Supposition - when account is a var it must authorised every time at runtime whereas when you pick an account in the block it authorizes just once there and then. Of course that's just a wild guess 😯

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Apr 28, 2016, 10:01:54 PM4/28/16
to Automate,
An account has to be authorized once, which is done when choosing an account by tapping such a field, or when the authentication dialog/notification is shown at first execution of an GDrive, Gmail, etc. block.
I will likely options in settings to also authorize (not just deauthorize) Google Drive and Gmail access. Maybe even an Authorize account access block could be useful.

Mark Kindy

Nov 4, 2016, 12:02:25 AM11/4/16
to Automate
Not to resurrect a dead thread, but I had this same problem on my LG V10.  I disabled the "Show window directly if possible" option in the "Account Pick" block, and I was able to authenticate through notifications.

Nov 22, 2016, 9:34:56 AM11/22/16
to Automate
I also had the same problem, and nothing of the above worked.

But i found my own solution, i went into the flow chart and edited the "Upload GDrive file" block. In the "google account" input argument i removed the 'account' variable and chose there my google account statically (without user input on startup).

This worked for me finally.

L Tiwana

Mar 15, 2019, 10:35:21 AM3/15/19
to Automate
Thanks that worked for me.

Sep 29, 2019, 5:26:30 AM9/29/19
to Automate
Hi. None of those worked for me.

Had to create a temporary new flow and add a GDrive list block. This then triggered the authorization proccess. After that, the former flow started to work again.

Also received notifications from Google about Automate being authorized.

Dec 6, 2019, 8:39:23 PM12/6/19
to Automate
Nice, creating a new temporary flow to reauthorize all the different Google permissions did the trick

Dec 10, 2019, 1:04:54 AM12/10/19
to Automate

On Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 11:18:03 PM UTC-7, Oliver Völker wrote:

Landon Muscle

Dec 13, 2019, 3:04:21 AM12/13/19
to Automate

Feb 12, 2020, 1:04:33 AM2/12/20
to Automate
Because of this exception I deauthorized Google drive access and tried to reauthorize the access to gdrive in the setup menu. But I can't find a way! Do you know how to?

Feb 12, 2020, 1:06:33 AM2/12/20
to Automate
Sorry for last question, I saw this text too late ;) Uwe

Danny Khen

Jan 3, 2025, 4:24:59 PMJan 3
to Automate for Android
Sorry to respond years later, but I started having the same problem lately (looks like after I got a new phone). Everything in my flows works except for the Google drive upload, with the same error discussed here. I couldn't find a way to make it work again.
What is the current best workaround? "Unauthorize" in Automate settings didn't work. And I don't have multiple Google accounts. What else can I do?

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jan 4, 2025, 9:49:31 AMJan 4
to Automate for Android
Try revoking Automate in your Google account settings:
Reboot the device.
Then ensure you're present to authorize the next time you flow executes an Google Drive block, or just just click an Google account field and choose an account in such a block.

Danny Khen

Jan 4, 2025, 11:51:19 AMJan 4
to Automate for Android
Thanks. I already did that - I revoked thru Automate's settings, and confirmed that it wasn't on the list in my Google account settings. But now I can't get it back. When I run the flow, I just get the dialog from the account block to choose an account, and I choose my Google account, but I don't get any authentication dialog or similar. The upload block is still failing, and my Google account still isn't showing Automate on the connections list.

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jan 4, 2025, 1:35:51 PMJan 4
to Automate for Android
Try "Clear data" for Google Play services app in system settings, then reboot the device.

Is your Google account using two-factory authentication?

Danny Khen

Jan 4, 2025, 3:00:07 PMJan 4
to Automate for Android
I don't see Google Play services in my phone's settings (Samsung Galaxy Z). In any case, I wouldn't want to clear, because I have many other connected apps and this would be a hassle. I can assure you that Automate isn't on the list of connected apps (both if I look on the phone or on the Google website).
Yes, I do have 2FA on the Google account. (Have always had it, even back when I started using Automate with Google Drive.)

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jan 5, 2025, 10:09:12 AMJan 5
to Automate for Android
Odd, any device with the Google Play store should also have the Google Play services app installed. Try toggling the "Show system" option in the menu on the all Apps settings screen.
Clear its data may be a way to reset any corrupted/invalid data it's saved, forcing it to download/acquire it again.

Since it's also using Google authentication, are you able to upload or review flows in the community section?

Danny Khen

Jan 5, 2025, 11:59:08 AMJan 5
to Automate for Android
When I try to review a flow in the app's community section, I do get asked to login to authenticate. I then choose my Google account, I confirm, and the review succeeds. After that, the Google account shows Automate, but only with Sign in with Google permission - nothing else, including no Drive access. So the flow still fails.

I also tried to uninstall+install Automate and restored my flows from backup. I had to authorize all the local permissions again, but it didn't solve the Google Drive problem.

I don't see the Show system option you mentioned.

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jan 6, 2025, 3:13:22 PMJan 6
to Automate for Android
It only have "Sign in With Google" permission is expected since Google Drive access isn't requested.
Odd. So authentication works, but not when requesting Google Drive access.
Sadly i have no idea why it would fail, or what can be done to resolve the issue.

Danny Khen

Jan 6, 2025, 6:16:13 PMJan 6
to Automate for Android
Too bad... I've come to rely on Automate to backup my Signal messages to Google Drive (Signal has no native off-device backup solution). I thought I published this flow to the community but I can't find it... If it starts working again I'm happy to post it. This is a highly sought-after feature if to believe the internet.
To make progress, may I please ask this question: is Google supposed to automatically show the authorization dialog the first time the code tries to do something (e.g. use Drive)? Or is it your code that calls a Google API directly to show the dialog?
If the former, it's likely a Google bug (maybe an edge case specific to my phone's version of the OS). If the latter, maybe Automate isn't "aggressive" enough about when to call this authorization API, e.g. does not detect that the action is unauthorized.
I'm not an expert to Google/Android APIs... just trying to think what the next step can be.

Henrik "The Developer" Lindqvist

Jan 7, 2025, 10:25:40 AMJan 7
to Automate for Android
When an app request authorization to an Google account the Google Play services should show a dialog asking the user to confirm granting the app access to the particular service, e.g. Google Drive or Gmail.
Clicking an Google account field in a block should cause such a dialog to appear, unless access has already been granted.

Logan Faith

Jan 22, 2025, 7:33:19 AMJan 22
to Automate for Android
Hello someone how are you doing this morning 🌄 
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