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no update ver 3.1.1

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Sep 10, 2021, 6:17:56 AM9/10/21
to opendnp3
I installed and compiled OpenDnp3 Automak 3.1.1 . everything is ok but no change Analog values on the master.   when the master connects to my outgoing server, it can get all variables. later there,  there is no changing values on the master. but I  am always updating my variables. 
if I restart the server, the master can get all variables once. 
I added an attached file.  you can check the slave messagess
I hope someone will reply me :(



Adam Crain

Sep 11, 2021, 7:15:33 PM9/11/21
to opendnp3
Hi Bektas,

How have you configured your master to acquire the data?

There are two options in DNP3: polling or enabling unsolicited mode.

If you haven't enabled unsolicited mode, and you're not polling for changes you won't see any.



Sep 12, 2021, 9:33:16 AM9/12/21
to opendnp3
Dear Adam , thanks a lot for your interest.
I use a master dnp3 test program harness.  unsolicited mode is always active for master dnp3.
In the old version outstation program was working with the same settings.   
I configured  my outstation program below. What setting am I missing with last version 3.1.1? 

           config.outstation.config.allowUnsolicited = true;
            config.outstation.config.selectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000);
            config.outstation.config.solicitedConfirmTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(6000);
            config.outstation.config.solicitedConfirmTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(6000);
            config.outstation.config.maxTxFragSize = 2048;
Best Regards

12 Eylül 2021 Pazar tarihinde saat 02:15:33 UTC+3 itibarıyla şunları yazdı:

Adam Crain

Sep 12, 2021, 10:09:37 AM9/12/21
to opendnp3
Hi Bektas,

A few questions:

1) Which master test harness are you using?
2) Do you see the master enabling unsolicited mode in the traffic logs? (ENABLE UNSOLICITED Class 1/2/3)
3) How are you changing your values? Just incrementing an analog by 1 or clipping a boolean false/true should work.

If you can provide a full traffic log as a text file or pcap using Wireshark that would be helpful.



Sep 17, 2021, 7:27:14 AM9/17/21
to opendnp3
I  am using oustation server( ver3.1.1 ). I can compile the outstation without problem by c# 2019 studio. 

* I tested my server with freyrSCADA  it is ok . it is running well.
* I tested my server with protocol test harness it is not ok .  all values are  not updating. once I see all values but it is stopping updating. when I send enable  unsolicited message from master test harness all values are  changing  properly . it is nice but is it normal?
  * I tested my server with master Axon  test.   all values are  not updating. once I see all values but it is stopping updating. I couldn't find any function to send enable unsolicited message . so it is not running. 
when I was use  opendnp3.2.3.0-M1 everything was good.  but that there is  that updating problem . I don't understand what I missed.

12 Eylül 2021 Pazar tarihinde saat 17:09:37 UTC+3 itibarıyla şunları yazdı:
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