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LinkConfig Constructor Unused Parameter

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Nicholas Lee

Dec 23, 2021, 6:18:03 AM12/23/21
to opendnp3
I've just discovered one of the LinkConfig constructors has a parameter called useConfirms, which is never used.  Should it be removed?  It was used in an older version of opendnp3: you could set it through the now retired OutstationStackConfig::link.UseConfirms member, though I don't recall if it ever did anything.

My understanding is that enabling it would contravene the DNP3 specification, so I understand why it may have been removed. We did support it in our application, though as I don't think we've ever used it, I don't think we'll miss it.

Should the unused parameter be removed entirely to avoid confusion?

Adam Crain

Dec 23, 2021, 11:34:32 AM12/23/21
to opendnp3
Yes, it should have been removed.
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